I'm late to the party, but the waitresses thought she was crazy because it looked like she was talking to herself. They couldn't see the angel of death.
I'm late to the party, but the waitresses thought she was crazy because it looked like she was talking to herself. They couldn't see the angel of death.
I'm late to the party, but the waitresses thought she was crazy because it looked like she was talking to herself. They couldn't see the angel of death.
This probably won't get read, but I had a thing for Brad, also. I'm not alone!
This probably won't get read, but I had a thing for Brad, also. I'm not alone!
Recently there was a news story in my area which named the children of a woman who was in a car accident. The youngest was named Renesme. Was it inappropriate that I laughed very hard at this?
God, I hope not.
They are playing at our rinky dink county fair this year (Tillamook, OR).
I came here to post that my sister and I did the same thing.
I thought it was nice of Steven to let Carly Simon sit in for him this week.
Bob Johnson
Funny. My brother has three older sisters and there are dozens of pictures in our family albums of him dressed as his female alter ego.
Is it?
This is super-late, but I agree with everything you said. When the reviewer said that about Crosby not being in his life all those years, I yelled at my computer, "But that was HER choice." Let's not forget that he has been the very best dad he can be since he's known he was one.
I also, begrudgingly, liked them better when they started quoting. "Goonies never say die!"