
I think Adam Baldwin was actually cropped out of the banner for Firefly on Hulu. That's how much everyone hates him now.

I got a "ding ding ding" notification for this?

Then don't click articles with pictures of Breaking Bad heading them, especially not when they contain the word "spoiler".

I was watching the Game of Thrones episode "The Watchers on the Wall" with my friends. I decided to let them know that the episode took place entirely on the wall. Apparently that was a spoiler? Because they knew Tyrion wouldn't be in the episode or something, despite the fact that it was already "spoiled" by Peter

Getting raped is not the same thing as getting your fucking stereo stolen.

It takes time to get into. The series is very slow paced and episodes from the first season tend to drag. Once you do get into it, though, it's hard to stop. It's easy to become obsessed with the characters and just really get into the story.

Yeah, it didn't phase me for some reason. I guess that part didn't really occur to me as much.

I actually didn't find the "face off" scene all that disturbing for a few reasons.

So, no crushing pussy, marry a man?

Waldeau (unlike Dinklage) was credited in the opening because he stood next to Tommen during the coronation. Other than that, nothing.

Unfortunately, Pegg has stated via twitter that he has no interest in becoming The Doctor. He even said that he hasn't watched the show since the season 1 episode he was in, which can't be good for his impressions of the show in general.

Heh. You said "piss".

But Dan Harmon said "DONALD WAS MY FAVORITE!" on his reddit AMA…

Yes, try a crank, a crying wank. Crank until you crymax.

Dr. Steve Brule should guest star on this.

Name ten things that aren't Jackie Chan!

Walt straight-up pulled a Tyrion.