Joseph Klemm

Personally, I found this whole season to be disappointing when compared to the previous one. I think the main problems with it were the following:

O.S.I., Fighting for freedom and the little guy.

To me, this episode can be best summed up as this: the bits, like Saturday Morning cartoons in general, work better when government or parent groups are not involved.

I believe the episode you're looking for (aka the one with the character in the Darkwing Duck-inspired outfit) is "The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well" (with said episode also featuring a nod to Batman: The Animated Series).

This pretty much sums up the main reason why, despite enjoying FiM, I'm passing on this film.

500+ posts and no one has posted a comment involving a certain online reviewer's reaction to the Bat Credit Card?

Butts! Butts! Butts! Butts!
Butts and butts and butts and butts!

Next week's episode appears to be Brock-focused, so you don't have to worry about that.

Kinda agree that this is pretty much the first real "clunker" in a while, as it feels rather subdued when compared to what we've been getting since the start of season 4.

Definitely agree with this. The episode is basically a nice 30-minute alternative for those Simpsons fans who were unable to attend the college tour that one of the Simpsons' writers did during the mid-1990's (with the old Tracey Ullman clips and the deleted scenes, which was a rarity in a time before DVD, definitely

There was a Bjork reference in the episode, as her infamous swan dress was one of the things on display at the Iceland Museum.

Personally, I felt that it was better for Dangers on a Train to air as a season finale than the Kudos and Kang episode, as I'd rather end the season with an episode that felt like something that would fit in the show's glory years than one whose plot pretty much suggests that the writers are running the well dry when

Pretty much agree with the main problem with the episode, which involves the whole "The Belchers aren't allowed to win" aspect that is prominent in the episode, with me giving the episode a lower grade due to its unrealistic ending of the host and station manager getting away with evidence tampering.

My take on the "retarded fish" bit is that it's showing how Stan is considered an "idiot" for still wearing the bracelet. However, it also comes to suggest that anyone who is a Christian is an idiot, and that's where I pretty much agree with the reviewer about it, as it comes off as more like something Seth MacFarlane

My take on the "retarded fish" bit is that it's showing how Stan is considered an "idiot" for still wearing the bracelet. However, it also comes to suggest that anyone who is a Christian is an idiot, and that's where I pretty much agree with the reviewer about it, as it comes off as more like something Seth MacFarlane

Actually, this episode was likely in production for at least a month (the clip of the main kids going trick-or-treating as the Avengers appeared online last month).

Actually, this episode was likely in production for at least a month (the clip of the main kids going trick-or-treating as the Avengers appeared online last month).

Pretty much agree here. Outside of throwing in the Bane masks in order to be "current", this is pretty much your typical "Mistaken for Cheating" episode that lacks any real humor. The fact that Trey and Matt have to rely on something as cliche as that for a storyline definitely suggests that they're losing their touch

Pretty much agree here. Outside of throwing in the Bane masks in order to be "current", this is pretty much your typical "Mistaken for Cheating" episode that lacks any real humor. The fact that Trey and Matt have to rely on something as cliche as that for a storyline definitely suggests that they're losing their touch

The sad part about this joke (besides the Simpsons actually doing something similar in the past in comic book form): Family Guy has done a few storylines well before the Simpsons, and they didn't have to gloat about it.