
Thanks for doing this. I played and loved the original trilogy based on Gameological recommendations. Seeing the discussion here has been incredibly useful as I wrestled with whether or not to pick up Andromeda with my now greatly reduced gaming time.

What Crusader Kings II DLC would you recommend? I've been toying with picking it up in the Steam Summer sale, but going all in on the full collection seems a bit much for a game I've never played.

Ugh. As a red-head who recently had a child, I am going to deck the next person who trots out that going extinct line. So sick of hearing it.

Not shocking given HIMYM's career track record. The show employs a distressing number of these. Architect, curator and baker off the top of my head. It's not a stretch to lump Robin's career under journalist (TV sub-variety) and environmental lawyer is glancingly close to lifestyle company.

I vote one or three. Ben Wyatt Fanfiction is definitely a weekly highlight. Enough so to dust off my rarely used account.

I had a double-whammy with the movie Sirens.  My mom and I rented it one Saturday night because, heck, it was the 90s and it was back when people liked Hugh Grant.  I remember little about the movie, other than it being wall to wall naked breasts broken up by faux-philosophical conversations.  Not a good start.

I had a double-whammy with the movie Sirens.  My mom and I rented it one Saturday night because, heck, it was the 90s and it was back when people liked Hugh Grant.  I remember little about the movie, other than it being wall to wall naked breasts broken up by faux-philosophical conversations.  Not a good start.

American Beauty is my most memorable one too.  Watching it at home on video with my father.  Very awkward as a teenage girl.

American Beauty is my most memorable one too.  Watching it at home on video with my father.  Very awkward as a teenage girl.

Agree wholeheartedly with this.  The writing and the budget were often inversely proportional.

Agree wholeheartedly with this.  The writing and the budget were often inversely proportional.

Saturday night PBS was the best.  For awhile my station was running this, Blackadder, Monty Python (and Red Green for variety I guess) all back-to-back.  It was a good time to be a teenage nerd.

Saturday night PBS was the best.  For awhile my station was running this, Blackadder, Monty Python (and Red Green for variety I guess) all back-to-back.  It was a good time to be a teenage nerd.

I always found the song pretty incongruous too, but loved it all the same.  I have vague memories of reading an interview with the creators back in my fandom days, in which he claimed that the song was based off of Lister's dreams of moving to Fiji.  Of course, it's been awhile so who knows if I'm remembering

I always found the song pretty incongruous too, but loved it all the same.  I have vague memories of reading an interview with the creators back in my fandom days, in which he claimed that the song was based off of Lister's dreams of moving to Fiji.  Of course, it's been awhile so who knows if I'm remembering