
I really like Sir Nudeador the 3rd or whatever his name is because he nails the writing style he goes for. Other commentors will reply in the same style and they're never able to get it right like he does, even when they're still funny.

One more: Beach Boys- Then I Kissed Her

Big Star- Stroke it Noel

Donna Summer- Heaven Knows

I'm surprised to learn that he was sober when he did Blue Velvet. I think he'd definitely belong on the list.

This sounds like it would be a really good inventory: Artists who produced vital works after coming clean. Some possible candidates that come to mind, unless they had relapses I don't know about:
- Lou Reed. The Blue Mask is his most powerful album and it's the one he made after kicking his addictions. Unless he had a

The most interesting thing to me was the mention of Nardcore. So that must be the name of the scene depicted in Jaime's Love and Rockets stories. I wonder if the characters call it 'Perscore.

My great moment in gaming involving unintentional consequences happened in Planescape: Torment. I encountered a character who had committed some evil deeds and had a long, deep conversation where I convinced him it wasn't too late to turn himself around. Right as he chose to redeem himself and turn towards good, his

What's the glitch in Star Sign? I've never noticed it and just listened to the song and didn't catch anything.

I just found out from Alex Chilton's biography that they originally wanted him to produce Tim but for some reason Tommy Ramone got the job instead. I would have liked to hear a Chilton produced version of that album.

So it goes.

You have dead ears, mate.

What? No Maggie Chascarillo?

I know I'm late, but I wanted to say that the artwork of the original is actually really funny. Maybe you need to play it for it to work but going from the low-res sprites to the detailed closeup paintings always made me laugh, especially for the scenes with Guybrush and Elaine. It gave their romance a sort of soap

Maybe you're thinking of The Church's Under A Milky Way, which sounds like it has a bagpipe solo but it's actually a guitar with an e-bow.

Man I'm sick of all the false advertising. I went to the Southtown shopping center, and while the part about the girls there not blowing me away is true, the part about them staying isn't!

Mambo 9 From Outer Space!