Vlade Divac

What I would say to that is that when you say "students who are willing to go to school longer," what you actually mean is parents who want their kids to get a quality education (I can assure you very few students at KIPP are excited at the prospect of staying at school until 5pm and having Saturday classes). Parents

Charter Schools
I think most of you here have already addressed the fact that charter schools more often that not are not the solution in public education. Most of them are terrible and in Texas for example many are forced to shut down because they fail to meet NCLB's minimum stadards.

PC purist here. Don't you understand that if you're not playing it on the PC you're failing?

Apparently Betty is an open book
"Call me Dr. Edna it's what the kids do."

Denny Crane and Alan Shore
Also House and Wilson.

Better than I would've thought
As someone who watched this in my early 20's I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. Sure I have a thing for Winona Ryder but thats besides the point. It was darker than I thought it would be but managed to maintain a morbid sense of humor which is always appreciated. And its not

Yeah I don't think this show would go in that direction with the nurse because its far more grounded in reality (e.g. no talking fish).
That said…. GOODNIGHT!

Lol @ Hereticbliss
But seriously living in the middle of Tea Party land you become numb to tacit racism that occurs in everyday life. Its never blatant anymore. Whether it be institutional or in the work sector it happens and yeah there really aren't any movies that address this well (though The Wire might have)

This would never happen if Jimmy Hoffa were still alive.

Seriously that was a messed up moment. Pete is a jerk but even I felt for him there.

For some reason I was terrified of ET. Not so much the movie as this plastic toy ET my mom got me. She had to throw it out.

I have to agree with you on the South Park episode epitomizing what I think about Family Guy but I think you forget a key element from that episode. My favorite part of the episode is when they show the King of the Hill staff working diligently despite all the chaos in the foreground.