Earl is a breathtaking piece of work - for better or for worse. It does not sound anywhere near 25 minutes.
Earl is a breathtaking piece of work - for better or for worse. It does not sound anywhere near 25 minutes.
I chuckled. Could be funny.
I would constantly drive back and forth between a urologist's and a gynecologist's offices just to fuck with it.
It's crazy how much I actually considered Kurt Loder and John Norris "real" news anchors when they were at MTV. Like up there with Peter Jennings - I just felt at ease when they showed up, especially during tragedies like 9/11.
Or anything by Chris Brown.
"Grammys are for like music, not for money."
Sorry to rub it in, but I have to: it was the single most amazing live spectacle I've ever witnessed. I cannot even begin to describe the feeling in the air from front to end.
Oh, and the R. Kelly one he did. Wow, Jay really likes collabo tours.
Don't forget the Home and Home "tour" with Eminem.
I'm guessing Krypton.
Banks' album is NOT out today, probably pushed back back until summer. Come on, AVClub.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, yadda yadda yadda - but the links in the article lead me to learn that Nic Cage named his son Kal-el. HOW THE FUCK DID I NOT KNOW THIS?
This weekend I watched the original for the first time in years (completely forgot how excellent it is) and noticed Mike told Sully, "You've been jealous of my good looks since the fourth grade, pal!" The moment I heard him say it I thought, "Welp, Pixar is going to ignore that I bet."
Damn I forgot to watch this. Eh, I'll catch the repeat.
I can't wait to watch this on YouTube the following day and not watch anything else affiliated with the Grammys.
I Love/Hate AVClub comments. I clicked this article after only 27 comments have been posted and every god damn joke I thought I'd be the first to make has already been posted. You guys make laugh from angry envy.
I think anybody excited for this has "Nostalgia goggles" on - similar to wearing beer goggles, they're being deceived. There is no way this show will be worth watching after the novelty wears off, and that will happen within the first ten minutes of the pilot, I'm sure.
I don't know why, but I have a good feeling about Man of Steel. I'm not even a huge Superman fan and I am pretty giddy about it.
Hold the "butter"? Really? I love that stuff.
Oh, also: I won't be surprised if Finn eating that lemon candy toward the end will result in something bad happening down the road.