I love the surreal music they used in this one - similar to what was used when Finn played with the little people in "All the Little People". It really conveys a sense of unease and atmosphere.
I love the surreal music they used in this one - similar to what was used when Finn played with the little people in "All the Little People". It really conveys a sense of unease and atmosphere.
I love seeing how absolutely angry some diehards are about the sequels and whatever else Disney is going to do with Star Wars. I was raised on the original trilogy and consider it one of the most important pieces of pop culture in my life, but when I heard about Disney taking over I didn't care. At all.
Oh I wasn't defending Chastain's performance at all - in my opinion Lawrence was underwhelming and Chastain was overrated. I was just questioning Lawrence's praise. To be honest, the best/supporting actress fields were kind of "meh" this year.
I like Jennifer Lawrence - I'm not in love with her like everyone seems to be, but I see her potential and she is a doll in interviews.
I was actually the least confident in that one.
We're damn opposed! Damn, damn, damn opposed!
I never noticed how corny Cranston's fall in "Fly" looked until I watched it out of context.
Dude is already an emotionless puppet thanks to all the botox in his face. He'll fit in just fine.
Flick My Bean Girls.
Well my thought process is what's popular is popular, regardless of how it's consumed. You could be right, though.
"Our song's fuck-in' awful"
If I were to guess it would be the exact same as the most purchased album lists.
The production is really damn good on it, to be honest. It was funny the first time I heard/watched it, but I wouldn't mind never hearing it again.
That sucks. It was actually a pretty damn funny show. Not much more to say.
Why the Han photo for the article? Wouldn't it make sense to show the posters?
Kinda surprised it's not selling like hotcakes on cassette:
I had to look up what a young female horse is called.
I love Community, but I'm ready for it to be put out of its misery. Too bad we'll have to put up with "Fuck NBC and everybody who didn't watch this show!/It was ahead of its time!/etc." rants for years and years to comeā¦
I am absolutely pumped for this, but a teaser for a countdown is just dumb in my opinion. I think it would have been pretty awesome if he just dropped the first single/album announcement without any warning.