
also, yikes…

2 oz. Soda
Serve on rocks. Stir vigorously. Garnish with shrimp.

Passionate agnostic
is that a thing?

How awkward was it to you
when Skyler questioned and was dumbfounded about Walt's bar fight story, as if the idea of Walt getting into a heated enough argument that could lead to an alcoholic inspired punch was way out of character for Walt in Skyler's eyes, damn that dramatic irony.

John Beard works in Buffalo now

To the crusty old dean;
Hello Dean? You are a stupid head

It's too bad
I won't here the Buffalo Sabres goal horn for months now.

Aoril Fools!

I sure hope
there are some really sweet Rochester scenes

Try to understand. There are two kinds of college students: jocks and nerds. As a nerd, it is my duty to give jocks a hard time.

Bryan was hilariously and entertainingly boring

Clay Davis:

I don't hate the Volt bros but man…. , Kevin should have won.

Michael V's hair looked really bad

I would say Animaniacs would definitely hold up, if not shed new light, I came across this clip recently and thought it was pretty great, even if it weren't a kids show

No congratulations for Vinny
for saying the first three syllable word in Jersey Shore history when he described himself as gluttonous? Oh, I forget, he's the smart one because he was "considering law school" at one point before going on an MTV reality show

Heyyyyyyyy ayyyyy ayyyyyyyyyyy ay!
Heyyyyyyyy ayyyyy ayyyyyyyyyyy ay!

Fuck Watson

…and ten?

I'm no war loving Republican or notthin' but…
I think there's a difference of what it takes to earn between a Congressional Medal of Honor and an Oscar