
Barry’s deadpan “that guy’s here to kill me” was so good.

The main thing that pointed me in that direction was how much more poised and confident Kristen seemed in the second scene. One could attribute that to her story about how Sally was the only one to “get anything out of her” among the acting classes she’s taken, but to me the more reasonable interpretation (which, on Ba

There were actually two gadgets that didn’t work. Chuy was hidden, strapped into the ceiling with a gun that he was shooting into a pipe coming out of the ceiling. But rather than killing Barry, he killed everyone else. Comic genius!

“... I got stage fever.”

This episode was pretty great. So much good stuff-but the highlight was the long time coming conversation between Barry and Hank. It was pretty great to see some steel from Hank, and Hader is just giving a fantastic performance as always. 

We've known about the gun for a while. Gene tries to use it on Barry early in season 3. (Which makes me think he knows it's not a prop gun and is just embarrassed by his failure to use it properly.)

I think the “pea-shooter” was a gun disguised as a pen, a gag wonderfully set up by “gadgets that never work” discussion. 

This was the funniest episode in quite a while. And hiring comedy pros for small parts is welcomed too.

-He told you that?

The untold story of how Cousineau went from dapper and put together to a sweaty pot-bellied mess in the course of his stage performance is the subtle hero of the premiere

That scene was amazing. I had the stupidest grin on my face the entire time.

That walking in circles was great. Loved when NoHo had to run back to get into position. Who was NoHo texting? Fuches?

There’s also a second episode!

“Formula” is correct: It has sucked since Schneider/Mandel/Berg took over and crystallized the shows into a formula, just like they did to “Seinfeld”.

One underdiscussed reason for Joel saving Ellie by killing a bunch of people is that she did save his life, even after he told her to leave him. So setting aside that he loves her like a daughter, he would save her anyway as a debt of obligation.

One of the nurses in surgery was played by Laura Bailey, who was Abbi in TLoU part II.

People are always trying to justify whether Joel did the right thing or not acting like Joel is even thinking about cures. If Joel had to kill 4 other kids to save Ellie he would have. If the only way to save Ellie was sacrificing another girl to find the cure he would have. The point was that there’s nothing he

Its very funny to see so many people referring to Joel’s “choice” and references to the trolley problem when both the game and the show make it 100% clear there is NO choice for Joel whatsoever. He’d never allow Ellie to be killed, not in a trillion universes. The last episode isn’t a moral dilemma it’s about the

Come on, Firefly guy who Marlene tells to cover the baby’s ears. You had one job. One job.

Love the symbolic choice of using Ashley for the mother.