
Don't mean to sound patronising, but you've gleaned a great deal of excellent insight from two episodes of a show that even fully grown adults find difficult to understand at the best of times. I think you'll do just fine in the next phase of your life.

He's 'pretty' dumb looking, that's for sure.

It's because of the ridiculous "no jokes" mandate. DC thinks adding some levity to films in which grown men fight crime in tights is so absurd as to be unthinkable.

Me too. That goofy smile he gives when saying the line is instantly endearing.

SO EPIC! (Is is wrong that I want to masturbate to this trailer?)

I'd give this episode a B+ myself, if only because of the love quadrangle plot line, which failed to hold my interest AT ALL. I was yawning through the bowling alley scenes, and I'm pretty sure that didn't have anything to do with the fact that I got only four hours of sleep last night (thanks a lot, Community).

"Not saying he can't joke around, but he could be written a lot better in his normal scenes"

"So is Barry just wearing the suit under his clothes all the time? When did that start? I thought he always had to run back to STAR Labs to grab the suit."

What about the two gorillas on Kat Dennings' chest?

Pretty? No, I don't think so. Her face is as vacant as Channing Tatum's.

I still wish there were more episodes though. If the sixth season is indeed the final season, I think all the characters should get a proper send-off. Then again, a movie might be able to do that better. I'll reserve my judgement until I've seen the finale.

Yep, and that makes me all the more happy that NBC cancelled Community and that Yahoo cockblocked Hulu before the latter could snatch the show up. Starting with Season 3, NBC began treating the show like crap. First they cut the budget, then they dropped the show from the mid-season schedule altogether, and then they

That's not what I meant. Read the entire comment thread before commenting the next time.

I'm not disputing that; all I'm saying is that I wish Bank's character's arc was satisfactorily concluded before the fifth season ended. For example, what happened with the script he and Abed were collaborating on? That entire thread was simply dropped, along with many others, in the season finale. It's because the

Is NOBODY going to talk about the fact that Community is finally shooting on location again, after four fucking years? Even the interiors are better lighted, with the annoying over-brightness finally gone. Finally, the show looks like it used to. That alone is enough reason for me to be tuning in for the new season,

"Then again, they nailed Jonathan Banks' character."

The way she's written, Linda Park definitely comes across as a viable alternative to Iris for Barry, but as a character in her own right, she's not quite there yet.

I agree that saving people is what Superman does; it's just that Lois Lane happens to be the one he has to end up saving most of the time. The Man of Steel film was a good example of that particular tendency. When Superman sees Lois falling out of the one of the Kryptonian spaceships in the climactic battle, he

"In short, the problem with Iris is structural, not simple nuts-and-bolts scene writing."

Yes, well, Erica Durance had the acting range needed to infuse her character with some personality (as did Dana Delany, and she did it using only her voice). Candice Patton has all the acting skills of a grapefruit (maybe this has something to do with the bad material she is given, but somehow I doubt it).