
Barney: "Hi…my word for…this guy…is Barn-oh, Barno. You…look…not ugly. Your…dial…thing is what?"

I expected some big dramatic payoff, possiby revolving around the theme of how the bad guys are a necessary evil in this world, and how this makes the good guys even more important. I guess I was making excuses for the producers' many stupid plot choices this season, but the resolution to the Daphne plot just gave

I agree with your list. The image of Marvin driving the car was ridiculous (what is this, a live-action cartoon?), but I suppose I could forgive it as being a joke made by Future Ted or exaggeration on Marshal's part when telling the story to Ted.

I think time will be kind to Season 9. We're suffering because we're getting this show piecemeal. Future viewers are going to watch the whole of Season 9 over a weekend and wonder what the fuss was all about.

'Who Wants to Be a Godparent?' Yeah, that one was pretty shitty too. (Only thing I remember from that episode is Robin breaking down as the memory of burning her girly clothes while her father watches and laughs comes back to her, causing Marshall to quietly let her win that round and saying something about her being

I dunno. I feel that dubious honour should go to The Poker Game. This episode was pretty mediocre, like the rest of Season 9's non-Mother episodes, but it had its moments (the musical numbers, the flashbacks to the Zabka-hating in 1984, all the scenes between Ted and Claude). I agree that Donna's far too generous with

They used that same scene in Subway Wars, in which the woman whom Robin steals a taxi from jumps on the bonnet screaming something like 'Give me back my cab!' Not sure if it was meant to be a callback, but it was pretty funny, mostly because of the way Lithgow just gave it his all. Unfortunately, Lithgow was the only

Douche Ted is not going to be happy with Donna

Thank you! I've been waiting for someone to point this out. There's a noticeable difference in her appearance between the first and second seasons, not only in that she looks younger but also in that her face looks very different.