
Lando System?

What we need is a War on Wars!

"United States of Whatever" or "Rocky Raccoon". That is all…

"Painless Dentistry: Formerly Painful Dentistry"

"Awww… the Denver Broncos…"

Ain't nothin to do in Duluth BUT get ill, yo!

It's a series of tubes!

The Big Lebowski

I did the same. Only really annoying part: "NOOOOO!" toward the end of Jedi. Other than that, yeah, looked awesome.

[pounds bowling alley with fist]


wtf is community? lol

That's gonna itch when it dries…

Case-in-point: I got a special edition of Carl Sagan's "Murmurs of Earth" some years ago that comes with all the information that was stored on the Voyager probe. While the audio CD works just fine, the CD-Rom with all of the pictures and diagrams is completely obsolete and unreadable by our modern-day computers. Just

I have my doubts about any home movies surviving 50 years into the future. Physical media is dead.

wtf is firefly? lol


Most of the Stereolab I currently own was downloaded off of Napster…

Danzig, "Mother", because that's how hardcore I fucking am.

I'll check the Prodigy message boards, those are always accurate.