
I have a special hatred for that movie because a lot of the recently fired animators of The Iron Giant worked on it, which is why the style is so similar and the animation quality stellar in general. God, what a bummer.

Disinterested is still widely used to mean "impartial", it's just also used as a synonym for uninterested. At worst it's become a homonym.

I hope they go the 30/40 year old guy in creepy make-up route for Manx. He's described as looking impossibly old, but having the youth and vigor of a teenager. An actual super old guy would be a big mistake I think.

Stardust was mostly well received (75% Rotten Tomatoes) with De Niro's appearance often cited as a highlight so I have no idea what you're talking about.

Stardust was mostly well received (75% Rotten Tomatoes) with De Niro's appearance often cited as a highlight so I have no idea what you're talking about.

Starcraft 2 is far from wildly popular in Korea.

Starcraft 2 is far from wildly popular in Korea.