Sleepy Cat

Despite the frequent use of the word "punk" in this article, I'm failing to hear anything resembling punk in this song. It's not a bad song, but punk?

And apologizes for X-Men: The Last Stand after hearing Bryan Singer is traveling back in time to kill him.

I have a feeling they will rise again.

The Yeah Yeah Yeahs are a fine band, but that album cover is just about the worst I've seen in a while. I expect to see "Incubus" under that image.

I recognize the words as English. But what did Erik Adams done to it to make it so unreadable?

It's hard to say much about it without ruining it.

Yes, but Wool really is good.

Ditto on Wool. Read it last year, and I was hooked.

Wait, people didn't like Drag Me to Hell? What the hell is wrong with them? It was Raimi's best movie in years.

Hey now. Leave Mike Wazowski out of this!

I will only watch this film if it has a lust for life. Lust for life.

This was the first episode in a while that felt like Community to me. Winger's speech to his dad was great.

My name is … Judge.

"I'm not Scott Weiland. I'm … Brot Ryebread."

Also Breaking News: Stone Temple Pilots Still Exists.

I suddenly have major respect for this man. I had the EXACT same reaction, and I was such a big Weezer fan at the time that I remember exactly when I heard the song. All I could think was "Wow … That's terrible!"


I'm a vegan, and all I can say is that more fiber in your diet does wonders for your colon. I use tempeh for sloppy joes, and it's pretty awesome. Also, Morrissey is an ass, and I'm not too fond of PETA, either.

Hey AV Club, apes and monkeys are not the same thing.

I agree with what's already stated. I actually don't hate Some Nights, but it's definitely not Aim and Ignite. Hell, I'm listening to The Format's Dog Problems for the first time and THAT sounds more like Aim and Ignite than Some Nights. It's not that I think bands shouldn't experiment and grow, it's that sometimes