Sleepy Cat

Fun's Aim and Ignite is also a solid pop album. I like it a lot more than Some Nights. Just try to get "All the Pretty Girls" out of your head.

Oh dear God. If it sounded like a Billy Corgan solo album, I would've burned the CD. EDIT: And I don't mean "burn" in the "upload to computer" sense.

On first listen the title track immediately reminded me of Against the Grain, and I really got excited. But the album really never takes off. (Although I agree that Fuck You is a fantastic song, and I've been playing it since they released the single). Maybe it will grow on me. One thing is for sure, "Dharma and the

I'm about to make some enemies, but "Intimacy" is my favorite Bloc Party album. They actually tried to do something different. Plus, "Ares" and "Halo" kick ass. I don't love "Four," but "Kettling" has the best imitation of a Billy Corgan solo I've heard in a while.

I admit I gave up and skipped to the middle.

In an interview with the director a while back, he claimed there would be a "tree rape."

OK, someone has to know if this is true or not. I remember reading somewhere that Raimi was embarrassed by the whole tree rape scene, which is why it was downgraded to a "tree assault" scene in Evil Dead 2. If that's true, why would they include it in the remake?

"What do you mean 'poor man's Bruce Campbell'?"

The music in the remake drives me nuts. I can't explain it. Terrible soundtracks ruin movies for me.

I love Elephant because it's so straightforward. This album is taking a little longer to attach itself to my brain than Innerspeaker.

I love Elephant because it's so straightforward. This album is taking a little longer to attach itself to my brain than Innerspeaker.

"First rule of Rockem Sockem Robots Club is no cancellations due to weather."

"First rule of Rockem Sockem Robots Club is no cancellations due to weather."

Other countries don't have music? Hot damn! AMURICA! AMURICA!

Other countries don't have music? Hot damn! AMURICA! AMURICA!

I have a feeling 12-cent tacos = an arrested development in your colon.

I have a feeling 12-cent tacos = an arrested development in your colon.

YES to Cloud Nothings and Japandroids! I've been obsessed with those albums. I would also add Jukebox the Ghost's "Safe Travels" and Spiritualized's "Sweet Heart Sweet Light."

YES to Cloud Nothings and Japandroids! I've been obsessed with those albums. I would also add Jukebox the Ghost's "Safe Travels" and Spiritualized's "Sweet Heart Sweet Light."

If there is a show that can pull off different actors coming in each week to portray Pierce (shades of The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus), it's Community. Hell, get Tom Waits on there!