Sleepy Cat

If there is a show that can pull off different actors coming in each week to portray Pierce (shades of The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus), it's Community. Hell, get Tom Waits on there!

I was wondering why J. Walter Weatherman is listed in the credits.

I was wondering why J. Walter Weatherman is listed in the credits.

"Did you see Abduction? Yeah, me neither."

"Did you see Abduction? Yeah, me neither."

If we're making a list of bands that constantly name-check themselves: KMFDM better than the best.

If we're making a list of bands that constantly name-check themselves: KMFDM better than the best.

Dare I say, and I love me some Community, that he was sadly underused on that show. Commence with the hate.

Dare I say, and I love me some Community, that he was sadly underused on that show. Commence with the hate.

If you knew your Golden Girls opening credits, you'd know it's Superman. Tsk tsk.

Silly womens. Always getting themselves taken. What really would have made this movie interesting is if Liam Neeson had been abducted by a pack of wolves as revenge for The Grey. But who will rescue him? Maggie Grace, who has been training under him and has to take the title of Wolfpuncher in his absence. Best movie

Silly womens. Always getting themselves taken. What really would have made this movie interesting is if Liam Neeson had been abducted by a pack of wolves as revenge for The Grey. But who will rescue him? Maggie Grace, who has been training under him and has to take the title of Wolfpuncher in his absence. Best movie

I'll jump on the bandwagon with the Ghosts of Mars love. It's not Carpenter's best, by far, but it's a lot of fun. I love the part where Cube is telling the story of how we went to rob that bank and discovered everyone was already dead. He walks into that room all puffed up and full of angst, holding his guns sideways

While the Nazis were indeed bad, I think they wanted to stick to the source material and make Hydra and Red Skull the antagonists. Otherwise, that's like saying "Why did Batman focus mostly on that Joker guy when there were all those other criminals?"

It's interesting how he singled out Wolfman. It's pretty mediocre, but not the worst movie in the world. And I don't think Joe Johnston was the problem. With a good script (like Captain America), he's a pretty solid director.