Simon Hova

Are those plot points for real?
As someone who dropped out of Heroes midway through the third season (I recall watching it alongside 24, and hanging with Heroes a bit longer solely for it's sarcastic value. 24 didn't even have that), I can't believe some of the plot points brought up in the interview. Glad I'm not

Doctor Donna — SUPERVILLAN [recycled]
I posted this comment on a Doctor Who message board in July, 2008 after the season 4 finale. I still think that it would be an awesome idea, even more so after the lousy send-off that Donna Noble got. (I agree with another poster, a husband and lottery ticket do not make for a

CSM=Garak (X-Files to DS9)
I, as many people in my generation who came of age in the time that we did, am equally a fan of the X-Files and Star Trek TNG (and, by extension, it's darker spin-off DS9). And so, reading the synopsis of CSM talking about experiences with the E.B.E. so long ago, I couldn't help but think of

I want it
As someone who has never actually seen a director's commentary (I download all my movies via BitTorrent), and who was only a lukewarm fan of Watchmen (downloaded the comic book two weeks before the movie opened, though I really enjoyed it) I loved the 3 minute clip shown here. Love to check it out!