
I am literally 34 and pregnant right now, so thank you for affirming my life choices, Internet Stranger!

It's always irrelevant.

I agree that Crosby probably wasn't making that connection, but like the rest of the family, he's well-acquainted with the characteristics that make Max difficult. At no point when describing Hank did he stop and think, "Oh, wait, some of this shit sounds really familiar…", and I found that strange. Crosby is…

Yeah, I don't think I missed anything important, dude.

Yeah, I don't understand the grade for this episode AT ALL. Lazy, racist, anticlimactic, not funny in the slightest. After I saw Lily in the White Flower getup I fast-forwarded through all the unfunny pseudo-magical orient crap just to get to the slap, which was a complete disappointment.

Yeah, I covered my eyes and started yelling at the screen as soon as she showed up at Ed's place. I get that Joel is being inexplicably unsupportive, but why doesn't she just TELL him what she needs? Why don't they get Victor a damn tutor and a counselor and take a load off?

It was totally Adam. That bit he did with Kristina's mask in the beginning was hilarious, plus he gave good snark on that dumb playground lady, and topped it off with cathartic vandalism.