Mmm. Clarke > Asimov/Heinlein.
Mmm. Clarke > Asimov/Heinlein.
One funny joke does not a good episode make.
She's a class act alright.
Harmon gave some of the characters a shift or a twist or a new spin in the Season 3 finale, sure - probably because he anticipated that it would be the *series* finale - but that absolutely does not make him responsible for the way that season 4 extrapolated those shifts into arcs and trajectories; it's not as if…
@avclub-99873fae02972142bb606735b6a52302:disqus It's been interesting to watch the backlash, hasn't it? At some point there was a tipping point and a lot of people decided to dislike Harmon more for the immature things and mistakes bad working habits and hubris than they like him for his humanity and his humour and…
I think his apology blog hits the mark.…
I'm kind of bummed about this whole shitstorm because we're really talking about five minutes at the beginning of a two hour show - and for many, a big ten seconds of stupid metaphor at the end of those five minutes.
So, worth a read:…
Certainly a comment made in bad taste, certainly not an appropriate comparison for Harmon's experience here. And certainly, a writer as strong as Harmon could have come up with something more apt and lest crazily offensive when read in transcript. Perhaps most importantly, comments like these could certainly have…
Ah, I remember my first ME2 playthrough. I envy you. Also, Kaylee is a great name.
By and large, Abed's character is in a more interesting, more rounded place by the end of Season 4 than he was in Season 3… wonder if Harmon will feel the same way. I do want Pudi to stop smiling so much, it's starting to creep me out a bit.
@avclub-d301bce59916e4713089b7b3c335635a:disqus OK, RW is the biggy. But still loads of stuff that you won't be expecting. AT ALL. But which will have been hinted at cleverly, seasons in advance, so it nevertheless makes perfect, terrible sense. So yes: keep avoiding spoilers, keep girding yourself mentally for…
I'm still not ready to jump aboard this shit-train bound directly for Season 4 city. It actually had some extremely good moments. Just like season 3 had some bad ones. 4's unquestionably going to be remembered as Community's worst year (unless the hype machine and expectations we're busily constructing around season 5…
Gunsmoke? Gunsmoke.
I didn't read that as defensive at all. They were explaining their choice there - in the face of it (very plausibly) attracting some ire from the gay community - as being about the power of imagination to change personal reality, about theatre and the creation of character becoming a kind of obsession that can…
The possibility of a fourth WHAAAAAAAAA?!
Right. This getting a C+ when Cold War gets an A- and the execrable Angels Take Manhattan got an A? We're just seeing two different shows here.
Absolutely. This was the best episode of Who since Moffat took over, I'd say. It made sense, was well-paced, well-written, balanced answers with new mysteries and innovation with nostalgia. Makes me wonder if I watch this thing for something fundamentally different than Alasdair does.
I think it could probably be done in six seasons. There's an unholy amount of foot-dragging in books 4 and 5.
@avclub-236e42b5af241c85d97910f5c1aa6107:disqus Absolutely. Kumail is sustainedly great. And actually I'd say this most recent episode is about the most fun harmontown has been since the tour ended.