Outside is certainly my favourite non-linear Gothic Drama Hyper-Cycle.
Outside is certainly my favourite non-linear Gothic Drama Hyper-Cycle.
You're the luckiest guy… in the world.
OK, I'll bite! Basically those first six or seven albums could get endlessly reshuffled among themselves, depending on my mood; they're all better than anything else I can think of. But The Next Day comes in near the top of my second tier, that's for sure. And could arguably grow on me further.
Yep. As much as I love the new album, it's got serious 'late era Bowie' competition from Heathen and, to a lesser extent, 1.Outside.
I'm crazy about the riff from Joe The Lion.
To be fair, Bowie's work had gone from strength to strength from 1993 to 2002. Though 'Hours…' felt like a bit of a dud to me, a lot of other people liked it plenty. So, yeah - When 1.Outside came out, it really was the best album since Scary Monsters, and so was Heathen.
According to Visconti there's a lot of unused material left over from this one - perhaps enough to form the backbone of another album soon…
That's a smart analysis, actually - smarter than mine, anyway. Though I think it speaks to the same set of ideas and problems.
I remember this episode as being particularly strong. A lot of the criticisms I'm seeing here and in other reviews are very fair, but the sheer quality of the core cast's acting absolutely guarantees my enjoyment episode-to-episode. They sell the hell out of all of it.
I would absolutely watch this show.
Yeah. They completely screwed themselves in the name of character development. Which, I suppose, is better than the usual trend of a show screwing itself by trying desperately not to rock the boat.
I actually think that season 1 is somewhat weaker than 3 on the West Wing. And there's nothing fundamentally wrong with season 4. Though I don't know anybody who doesn't think that Season 2 is the best season of all.
I think Buffy Season 4 is legitimately the least-good of all the seasons of Buffy. Still had its moments, and god knows it paved the way for some superb stuff. That season finale feels like a rehearsal for Cabin in the Woods now, doesn't it?
Yeah, I think Enterprise has a pretty classic Trek-series trajectory: extremely shaky first season, gradual improvement through season 2 and the almost completely serialised season 3, and then a big pile of fan-service in the 4th year.
Season 6 is the one that completely turned me off…
I'm not sure I'd actively pursue friendships with any of them, no. But Phoebe is the only one whom I'd be tempted to push right into that fricking fountain from the titles.
"Shut up Leonard! I found your YouTube page! What's the point of reviewing frozen pizza?!"
Oh you're in for a treat my friend.
This episode was way worse than those. It left me with the same hollow feeling as History 101, and it felt like a letdown after the last two episodes' moderate successes.