
I'm sure others have already pointed this out but this episode was foreshadowing central. Tywin has a strong stomach, Arya has eyes that change colour, Tyrion suggests Joffrey should have used poision, both Bolton and Olenna refuse a drink. It was all quite subtle but very enjoyable knowing what's coming.

I was basically all-in at "Vikings". You should totally cover it week to week.

I should jump in these comments more often (well, more often meaning at all) now that Australia is airing this season only 6 hours or so after it airs in the USA.

I thought you were going to say Bob Costas was the Aaron Sorkin of sports coverage because of his irrational fear and loathing of modern technology and "the internet".

I thought you were going to say Bob Costas was the Aaron Sorkin of sports coverage because of his irrational fear and loathing of modern technology and "the internet".

@eric827:disqus I'm inclined to agree with you when it comes to the specific issue of gun control but i think the overall sentiment in regards to liberal attitudes to conservatives is accurate in many cases.

@eric827:disqus I'm inclined to agree with you when it comes to the specific issue of gun control but i think the overall sentiment in regards to liberal attitudes to conservatives is accurate in many cases.

That actually made me laugh out loud.

That actually made me laugh out loud.

One of the best moments in The West Wing is the scene where Ainslie Hayes talks about gun control and says to Sam and Josh that the problem with their point of view is that it's not that they don't like guns, it's that they don't like the people who like guns.

One of the best moments in The West Wing is the scene where Ainslie Hayes talks about gun control and says to Sam and Josh that the problem with their point of view is that it's not that they don't like guns, it's that they don't like the people who like guns.

You know, POC3 is one of the movies that scored a mention in Sight and Sound magazine's Best Film's poll. Meaning one critic, a critic who is professional and respected enough to get an invitation to contribute to the most famous and highly regarded of all critic best film polls, felt that POC3 is one of the ten best

You know, POC3 is one of the movies that scored a mention in Sight and Sound magazine's Best Film's poll. Meaning one critic, a critic who is professional and respected enough to get an invitation to contribute to the most famous and highly regarded of all critic best film polls, felt that POC3 is one of the ten best

Fitzcarraldo. Yes. A thousand times yes.

Fitzcarraldo. Yes. A thousand times yes.

Can someone explain to me why Americans use the plural "ceremonies" when referring to the closing ceremony? I first noticed it amongst American tweeters I follow during the opening ceremony. I'm actually asking because it's bugging me. It's just one "opening ceremony" and one "closing ceremony" so why use the plural?

Can someone explain to me why Americans use the plural "ceremonies" when referring to the closing ceremony? I first noticed it amongst American tweeters I follow during the opening ceremony. I'm actually asking because it's bugging me. It's just one "opening ceremony" and one "closing ceremony" so why use the plural?

Rise of the Planet of the Apes is a good one. I laughed out loud in the cinema when i first saw the trailer. I thought the whole idea, title and all, was preposterous. It ended up being one of the top five or so movies i saw last year.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes is a good one. I laughed out loud in the cinema when i first saw the trailer. I thought the whole idea, title and all, was preposterous. It ended up being one of the top five or so movies i saw last year.

The first hour is pretty great, the next three hours not so much.