Chris Conley

Yeah he totally is trying to look like Robert Loggia from Scarface.

Well, W. was alright, so was that Wall Street sequel.

It could've probably bought Oliver Stone a chance to redo the final episode in a less violent more plausible version.

He actually looks like he stepped out of Scarface. A movie he wrote!

Well, really Joe Pesci getting spanked at a sex party is so odd and random that I'm glad someone actually did it in a movie.

Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior?: well I have!
You'll burn in hell, gays!

Isn't there a direct to video Danny Trejo movie named that already? Oh wait that was Badass or something like that my mistake.

Yeah it's one of the many forgotten Clint Eastwood movies, most of the critics gave this one a trashing probably because it came out about the same time as stuff like Lethal Weapon 2 and Tango and Cash and they were probably sick of buddy cop movies.

Hey he made Platoon so he gets a free pass and wrote Scarface.

I think it's also the movie were she rapes Clint Eastwood.

Not everything leads to a commentary again on how much you didn't like Man of Steel

Next time, The Rookie, no not the baseball movie, I mean the one where Clint Eastwood and Charlie Sheen team up to take down Germans Raul Julia and Sonia Braga. 

Look, Spongebob had several freak out moments that just screamed something that a drugged out person would imagine that's all I'm saying.

Look, Oliver Stone knows ridiculous and violent when he sees it, don't disagree with him, he's the master of it already. He'll consult Tarantino on this one.  Apparently, Breaking Bad didn't do it right, I mean if Oliver Stone says you're doing it wrong, you're doing it wrong.

I'll miss Nazi James Cromwell.

Damn you Weasley stealing all the super hero jobs from good decent muggles.

Kathy Bates, NO! Annie James Caan still will not write you that manuscript.  And don't kidnap Ann Rice now.

Yes he's weeping and drunk at the same bar Mike Myers is weeping and drunk at because Austin Powers is no more.

Takes over Leprechaun series for Warwick Davis. 

You've still got Jessica Lange to drink with heavily and out act everyone with a ham fisted step.