Your Boyfriend Now

I would love to go camping with this hooked up to me. I would tell everyone else on the trip except one person, and when it came time to make a fire, just blast it instantly so the one person can see it. Then, everyone will pretend that I've been a mutant this whole time, but it's been a secret, and we'll tell the

Making one less episode means depriving their crew of weeks of work and pay. Since they're getting bullied by their network and getting their budget slashed aggressively, and I've worked at multiple video game companies that have been gutted in much the same way, I support their decision to keep their people

Ah, wait, I think I get it now. "the fall of the Marvel chiron" had me confused, that Stan Lee was the best centaur Marvel ever had. Now I think I made sense out of what Brandon was saying.

How does that make sense in context of this article?

Can someone explain the use of 'chiron' Brandon used referring to the Stan Lee sketch? Google is only confusing me with talk of centaurs.

Well, my particular read on the show is very much about putting aside the shit you've gone through and are agonizing over and realize that there's a great big world out there that needs you. Whether they need you just cuz they love you, or because you're the chosen one who sets off the nuke in 1977 or whatever, you

"Tracy Morgan gives a clinic in great bad acting… adopting a French accent in order to play an
English nobleman…."

That Hurley trait is probably why he made the best Leader.

I still think the mission statement of the show is best summed up in the Season 6 Sawyer 'flash-sideways', when at dinner with Charlotte, Sawyer says "there was a point in my life when I had to decide if I was going to be a bad guy, or a cop… and I chose to be a cop." (heavily paraphrased)
I like to think that moment

The fight was really well choreographed (Zhu Li is deadlier than I remember), but the movement of the suits just seemed to be from an entirely different show, lain over backgrounds from Korra.

Did the CG animation on the robot suits look corny as hell to anyone else?

"Dewey, Cheatem, & Livingston" is one of my favorite lines from the series. I love jokes that swerve away and DENY an obvious punchline.

"House Where Nobody Lives" sounds like your standard "Village Theme (Sad/Wistful)" from an SNES jrpg. "Cold Water" sounds like you're in the *crazy* inventor's house, which I thought would have been "What's He Building In There", but here we are.

Calvin: "A nickel?! I'm the one eating the worms, I should be calling the shots!"
Susie: "Usually if you're the one calling the shots, you're not eating any worms."

And what does "invulnerable to fuy" mean?

Hey Erik, it's "Samson" and Delilah. There is no "P" in 'Samson'.

I feel like Fox, FX, and FXX have been airing that same commercial for this at every break for the last 4 months. You know the commercial, the one with

"Insubordinate. And churlish." Brilliant.

Because someone just "Liked" my other 4-month-too-late comment on this thread, which was a response to you, I will now take this moment to declare that I was the actor who said "You look just like Letterman" to Winston.
Yep, that wooly beardo was me. (Disappears back into the internet)

IT'S NOT EVEN THE GAME! The title image remains on-screen when Mario runs to the right! Demo mode! B*llshit!