Your Boyfriend Now

The "Your cousin Marvin" joke has been done by multiple other sources before Simpsons, including Family Guy.

Avatar/Korra video game, you ask, Mr Sava? Well, Platinum Games (makers of Bayonetta) have something in the works you might want to see:

Yeah, watching that clip, that one made me sad. But Lorne Michaels' mullet pleased me somewhat.

Thank you, Dickholster.

The first time I became aware of Don Pardo was a sketch from the early 80's, I think, where they joke about how SNL plans to be on air forever. The only joke I remember was that they were going to graft Don Pardo's vocal chords to a Galapogos Tortoise, known for living up to 200 years. After that, I became aware of

Listening to that Youtube clip, I don't believe that Paul Revere is voiced by Zach Braff for one second. I also don't believe it's spelled "Zac".

When they went to Zaofu, Bolin sees a giant statue of Toph, which spurs a conversation about her mysterious whereabouts.


"Residents of Phylum Cordata?"

I used to enjoy spotting the typos in your average AV Club article, I'd even made a game of it! I'd see how many errors I could spot in a single article, then try to break that record*. But it eventually became exhausting and overwhelming.

Anyone catch that the Earth Kingdom airship left from Fort Bosco? Bosco, as in the Earth King's bear?

Morton Koopa Jr wasn't the only pop-culture reference. Wendy O Koopa was named after Plasmatics singer and "Queen of Punk" Wendy O Williams, and given her attitude. That's a fairly esoteric reference, even in 1988, when the game was made.

First off, Jess KNOWS it's "Batmobile" as evidenced by S1Ep22 "Tomatoes" where she exclaims about Russell's car: "I mean, the Batmobile doesn't have this many buttons!"

The episode was titled "BasketSball", which Jess asserts is more grammatically correct.

Marty Beller is indeed a beast. I believe I saw the last-ever performance of "Marty Beller Mask" (which they retired after Whitney Houston's death), but I love that the band decided Beller needed a song written about him. It's a shame it won't be played live again. I guess they need to write a new Marty Beller love

"Instead, his story intersects with Sam's…"

"But what’s also involved with the most successful Have you ever heard a really good standup talk about comedy?"

Son of Now See Here: Which part of America loves Chris Hardwick?

Wha-? When did this air?

This news comes on Cosby's birthday, strangely enough.