Orange Floyd

The Simpsons
It's pretty much impossible to mention this show without the Simpsons reference, isn't it?

Wait just a minute here…
…how has no one picked up on the most disturbing part of this article - the fact that at this Candy Expo there were Jeff Foxworthy meat products? Two thing truly baffle me about this:

Just one bone to pick here though…
AVC: You've worked with some big names in the past.

Thank You AV Club
Yet more proof (as if it were needed) that Uwe Boll is epically insane and totally self-deluded.

And if we're taling about CCR songs…
…how about their version of 'I Heard It Through The Grapevine'? That song rocks your ass for 11 fucking minutes!

God bless you OY…
…for mentioning Courage by the Tragically Hip. You Americans don't know what you're missing.