Mister Bubbles

Not gonna google it, but
seriously who fuck is Steve Albini, should he be someone I care about like Albert Ayler or Roy Ayers or somebody like that?

I know

Dat ass oh boy
she's 42 and that ass is still withstanding effects of gravity.

" just a problem with the site not being optimized for such"

Has anyone else on the site….
have a problem with loading a page and comment section not being there?

This album… (preaching to the choir)
gets a C, some of the production is great (Murder to Excellence and Gotta have it)
but the album to me is so over bloated with Kanye and Jay's persona that it's almost insufferable to listen to.

What are talking about, I just bought it and H.A.M is up there. Otis too.

die in fire now, please.

This album is kinda…..
Weird, I like the concept the album was going for and some of the production, but it felt too repetitive at times and like SarCCastro with the King Crimson sample on POWER, I just wasn't feeling Great Expectation sample for Robocop.

he's cool…. I hope Watch the Throne is good, it might fail who knows.

Well I think they still suck, but you're one of my favorite Kanye songs.

Being a child…..eh
born in the 90's I really don't get this generation nostalgia?

Cornbread, Earl, and Me.

this is certainly catchy and the production is tight.. I guess, but where's the "funny" that Das Racist….. is… um… kinda know for.

What are you doing here angry black man?


the Grey Album!

One name….
James Bond III

8===============D ()
