Mister Bubbles

It didn't happen to me.

Jack White and Stephen Colbert release a 7-inch

a wonder bra, I presume.

1) Where's the "security" she supposedly beat up?

Well then… after that you'll do nasty things to him right.

Thanks guys.

(a younger person here)

@Emperor Jim

I thought….
this movie was going to be about a teacher's sexual affair with one her students not a comedy, but I won't know… didn't pay attention to the trailers.

And then he made Gone Baby Gone and The Town which are great by the way, and yes I know I'm a asshole like that some times.

She's a basic white broad…..just sayin'

That wouldn't be punish…. well for me at least.

Robin Givens had it cummin'.

Midnight in Paris is great….just sayin'

It's possible for you to be fucking the Jamie XX remix, I'm doing that right now.


Alexis Texas doesn't like me.

man boobies

Hippies was good, but it didn't have any staying power with me.

Speaking of Brits
I just watch Misfits on Hulu, I really dig it.