C'mon you don't like Co-co-co-co-co-colin Fir-fir-fir-fir-fir Fuck! Ooops! Weinstein won't like that.
Why do……
disney villians fall off cliffs?
And it fuckin' was *sobs*.
You're so wrong in so many ways.
He redeemed…
himself with Gone Baby Gone…so he's cool with me.
Don't be mean.
Dylan Dog? Good = Bad or Bad = Good (: ( ?
Its not that bad, you can't say he's not dashing!
Why is franco trying T.I. ?
Now that I think about it Ready to Start was the only song I liked on that album other then that *snooze*.
MBDTF is still very enjoyable, Hip-Hop Heads Un-Unite!
Ready to Start
Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)
don't guess.
I'll date her!
Never seen….
any of his films, except Dog Day Afternoon
legitimate time before Fox cancels a series.
hammer, good I say.