Elegant Victorian Lady

I suppose you would be morally obligated to carry several chemistry and medical texts with you, employ them to vastly improve the health and longevity of the poor peoples of your chosen era and then, almost without meaning to, exert godlike influence over the civilizations you encounter and found a matriarchal

I would suspect that such a time-traverser who wandered any great distance into the past would be singled out for their great height, significant girth, lack of comprehension of the local languages and the destruction that would be wrought by the awful viruses that might accompany them.

I blame the Indian Mutiny… although I would, wouldn't I? Dash it all!

Try to consider the situation that so concerns you from a Naturalist's point of view. Discrimination is a deeply ingrained quality in primates as is easily verified by observation of Baboon and Chimpanzee behaviour when dealing with individuals in their communities who appear different. (Here I must warn you that

Perhaps if you were to describe in some detail an encounter which you would consider plausible whereby these two hypothetical men would become so entangled, we all might come to better understand the phenomenon you describe. But wait! To my shame I apprehend that I have already sought to limit the bounds of your

Unless solely the worst elements were included in the 'trailer' above, then I strongly suspect your misgivings will be justified. Ever since 'Unfriended' I am trying to cultivate an open mind.

(Backs slowly away, eyes widening in abject horror)

Some women appreciate elaborate schemes, although I will allow that an excess of zeal can be somewhat troublesome. When an over-eager suitor first laid court to me, he fed my horse buttercups so that it would become ill and require us to tarry at the secluded hollow at the edge of the estate. Had I not had the

While this production does not look promising, it is unwise to disparage a production which has not yet been released. I thought initially that the advance advertisements for 'Shaun of the Dead' made it look awful, but now consider it to be jolly good faint-inducing fun.

I believe I once read that chopsticks were in fact one of the many casual objects for which the Japanese developed martial styles, although I am not certain how much credence I should lend to such tales as I fear that the history of armed combat in the Land of the Rising Sun is irrevocably entangled with legend. If

I was hoping for Mr. Chan with horseshoes attached with length of rope, and Ip Man with feather duster. Oh, and the Incredible Shrinking Man with his trusty nail.

I imagine the 'blob' would consume the 'hulk' like any other organic matter it encounters. I strongly suspect questions of the sort you describe are an effort by enthusiasts to validate their obsessions by widening the context under which they are discussed. You were merely the innocent victim of another's desire

My word! With so many Galifreons, such a device would be able to… well, do almost anything, really.

Horrors! A pursuivant!

As Humanity developed in Africa, your assumption is a sound one.

That is absolutely fascinating.

Although Edmure Tully is no master with a bow, clearly neither is he a novice. All of his attempts were near-misses, and far more accurate, I am certain, than I could accomplish in the same conditions. The irritation displayed by the charmingly yclept 'Blackfish' was the pique of a master, impatient with a student

I greatly enjoyed his performance as Nathaniel Bloom from the production 'The Honourable Woman'. A relentless, loyal and fearless servant of a somewhat callous master. I rather think I would have preferred the programme were he the protagonist.

After a certain point, you should really just admit you are not a Christian and stop confusing everyone. I have been saying as much to Anglicans for years.

The poor dear!