Elegant Victorian Lady

  (Faints dead away)

Ahh… so THAT is what that sound is!  I must have a stern talk with my maids, servants and groundskeepers.

I am starting to understand, albeit with some reluctance born of an optimistic and phlegmatic nature, that absolutely no subject is barred from discourse in your era.  However, as always, I have a ready and, I believe, appropriate response:

(Sighs)  Honestly, I do not know why I even bother anymore.  However:


Charming!  However, it appears that your flattery has gone to my head…

Very fine, sir.  That crafty old rogue Abraham would be proud of you.

Dear Bill Maher, you remain quite the amusing fellow.  Your manner is similar to that of a Slavic entertainer of little renown who peddled fabric-invigorating chemicals roughly a decade ago.  This Baltic doppelganger's story diverges from yours in that the gentleman in question was dismissed from his post as a

I have been called things on this 'site' which have made my soul bleed.

Great God, sir!  Perhaps you would like to tell us how you truly feel about the man?

The lack of balance speaks to an imbalance in power.  Increasingly it dawns on the folk of Britain that they are not governed, but rather ruled by an elite for whom the woman in question is a potent symbol.  And is ever the custom, their children will inherit this impotent rage and nurture it with dreams of

The only redemption for the Tory comes when they believe that they do good with all their heart.  Although this makes them more fervent, it is at least the excuse they can offer to their Creator when they stand beneath His gaze and answer for the misery they have caused.  But most are simply mercenaries, and this is

I rather think that the gentleman in question was always something of a drug-addled shadow of himself.  Chronic, unrelenting pain brought him to his sad end, else he would likely still be awash in the sickly-sweet vapours of delirium.

Be forever on guard against sympathy for power, good sir.  It is the sign of a soul that has abandoned the greater part of humanity.

Ah no!  My heart!

Why would Canadians call upon Old World myths to populate their dramatic productions?  Would their environs not be ideal for the introduction of North American Indian creatures?  Someone should pen a tale of young androgynous, thick-lipped cannibal-skeleton in the frozen wastes of Upper Canada who has learned to

Hello?  Yes?
  Oh, do excuse me.  I thought I heard my name.

How in Heaven's name could this possibly be important for you to know?

All things are better when they are gay!  Bravo, sir, for characterizing your own sex so.  Too often men are encouraged to bury their moods beneath a mask of dour rectitude.  But pray imagine how much more jolly the world would be if all men were gay?

The look in the good woman's eyes suggests an intense and constant outcry within the confines of her mind.  Some might find this compelling, or even engaging.  I suspect that most respond to her as I do: with a vague sense of unease.  She might be better suited to a project where she is able to indulge in monologues,