Elegant Victorian Lady

Indeed, even when occupied Ireland was a stubbornly, almost tiresomely independent nation.

May the merciful Lord save us from Irish cuisine…

Not every kidnapping is widely-reported, especially if the ransom is swiftly paid.

  Taken 3: Is This Seat Taken?

This thespian certainly can act, and just as certainly he seems to feel no further need to.

Indeed, yes!

Charity is a noble impulse, but I beg you dear sir: let my offering stand on its own merits, however unsteady these might be.

Why, how kind of you to… wait, did you call me a-

"Sorry, Mom, can you repeat that?  Ok, let me just get that down before I forget."

Do you perhaps mean the herb hogwort?  All I know of it is that it may be distilled into a potent laxative, and as such despite my amateur expertise in botany I am unused to discussing its properties in polite company.

Do you perhaps mean the herb hogwort?  All I know of it is that it may be distilled into a potent laxative, and as such despite my amateur expertise in botany I am unused to discussing its properties in polite company.

is quite simple really. I live in modern times- that is, England in
her greatest glory, whereas you and your ilk live in the distant
future where apparently all sense of rectitude and discretion have
been cast aside so that all may gape at a never-ending procession of
nubile slatterns, venemous plutocrats and

is quite simple really. I live in modern times- that is, England in
her greatest glory, whereas you and your ilk live in the distant
future where apparently all sense of rectitude and discretion have
been cast aside so that all may gape at a never-ending procession of
nubile slatterns, venemous plutocrats and

This is an astonishing observation!  One prays that you are incorrect, sir, and that there is some advantage to having one's Human rights supported by the foundation of law.

On closer inspection still, they now appear to be highly skilled and well-paid workers, whose industry and boundless creativity is strangling locally owned but poorly managed businesses!

Tsk.  I expect more enlightened observations from mechanically augmented pseudo-Humans.

Tsk.  I expect more enlightened observations from mechanically augmented pseudo-Humans.

One would hope that Archer would have garnered some mention, and the third season of Justified as well, for all that it is a celebration of bellicose, well-armed louts in Kentucky.  Perhaps I am mistaken… surely two such entertaining productions could not have entirely escaped the notice of the esteemed Mr. Tobias. 

When but a wee snippet, I heard our family groundsman mention in passing, while attending to a stubborn stone lodged in my mare's shoe with greater energy than ability, that our house had a Catholic in it.
  "Why, impudence!" I cried, being young and much given to forthright speech.  Before I could clout him behind

When but a wee snippet, I heard our family groundsman mention in passing, while attending to a stubborn stone lodged in my mare's shoe with greater energy than ability, that our house had a Catholic in it.
  "Why, impudence!" I cried, being young and much given to forthright speech.  Before I could clout him behind