Elegant Victorian Lady

(Hovers nearer, looks hopeful)

(Hovers nearer, looks hopeful)

(Faints dead away)

(Faints dead away)

I am protected to a certain degree by the fact that my blandishments, though at times inappropriate for one of my station, are rendered quaint by the progression of time.  No one from your era takes offence when they are decried as a martlet, a wastrel, a virago, incautious, tempestuous, ill-favoured or importune… at

I am protected to a certain degree by the fact that my blandishments, though at times inappropriate for one of my station, are rendered quaint by the progression of time.  No one from your era takes offence when they are decried as a martlet, a wastrel, a virago, incautious, tempestuous, ill-favoured or importune… at

What smashing good news!  I had only just secured the purchase of a large goosedown cushion with the intention of ensuring a servant attend me at all times and swiftly insinuate it should I become overwhelmed by the frequently intemperate language one often encounters in these environs, and so plunge into dull

What smashing good news!  I had only just secured the purchase of a large goosedown cushion with the intention of ensuring a servant attend me at all times and swiftly insinuate it should I become overwhelmed by the frequently intemperate language one often encounters in these environs, and so plunge into dull

The robot is only human, I suppose.

The robot is only human, I suppose.

They have been purging…?  Oh, crumbcakes!

They have been purging…?  Oh, crumbcakes!

My 'gimmick', if one could call it such, was to refer to myself as 'Victorian' when, if one were scrupulously honest, I might better be described as an early Edwardian.  The distinction is delicate, but tangible.

My 'gimmick', if one could call it such, was to refer to myself as 'Victorian' when, if one were scrupulously honest, I might better be described as an early Edwardian.  The distinction is delicate, but tangible.

I am surprised by hypertension!

I am surprised by hypertension!

Even I must voice my dismay, and I do not even exist anymore!

Even I must voice my dismay, and I do not even exist anymore!

By the sainted powers and all the forebears of noble England, your English!  Get thee to a university, I beg you!

I dearly hope that the works will surpass the original, and that all involved shall mend their fellowship and retire in fulsome good humour to their favourite club, there to plan ever greater triumphs of fantasy.  I fear that instead these books will be much as a crude, malformed sibling, only briefly shown the light