Elegant Victorian Lady

That image of the angry infant is simply darling.  I must pinch its cheeks, I simply must.

so, quite without warning,

I perceive that this electro-simulative gathering-place is badly in need of a Stern Victorian Anglican Minister.

For some souls it is simply familiarity they hunger for, to allow a respite from whatever intellectual pursuits so consume their waking hours, and so indulge in entertainments far beneath their cognitive ability. It is as unto the naturalist, benumbed by long hours of study, entering a stupor under the hypnotic hum

I fear that if he went away, he might cease to exist, and so continues his outrages to stave off oblivion.

You are all simply wonderful!  Good show!

…seek redemption in vain, become ever more ravaged by sorrow and impotent rage at his failures, lapse into deeper melancholy which begins to verge on true madness, become over-indulgent, bloated and hideous, lose all his teeth and resort to wearing painful dentures, suffer swelling around the face and neck from

Not the literal kind, no.

Oh!  Ah… I was not playing, actually.  (Hides cards beneath petticoat.)

The poor dear needs some extract of Aloe.  Also an unattractive and wealthy husband, so that she might finally relax.  It certainly did wonders for my constitution.

Millicent, dear!  Your hat is simply smashing.

Upon hearing the conceit that the setting is a future world rather than a fantasy realm I was reminded of Dying Earth, Blue World and the Miracle Workers by the esteemed Mr. Jack Vance.  Fine works all, and unleavened by the presence of a murderous thug as protagonist.

Our every waking moment would be consumed with the waving of flags, I fear.  All about us are our younger, cleverer progeny who stare up at us with jealous eyes, waiting for the moment when they can wrest the reins away and cast us all under the wheels of the carriage.

I have seen several films through technical processes too tiresome to describe which are apparently historical fictions of a great war against the Germans, and in each one American colonial intervention is employed as a 'deus ex machina'.  What a terribly lazy thematic device!  In some cases they even construct vastly

Dear Sir.
I have often noted your habit of dispensing items, or rather I should more properly write arms, which contain considerable potential for visiting mayhem.  When offering rewards to those of a violent disposition, might I humbly suggest less potentially disastrous tokens be awarded?  Tobacco or sweets perhaps?

Wait, what's this?  I am unable to respond to the Archmage below, but only above?  Is the sequence of these bars then inverted?  How vexatious!  Truly I am now numbered among the ignorant, although this is often the sad case for my gender, especially when we choose to dabble in pan-temporal social commentary.

Great stars above!  Much has changed during my brief recuperative hiatus… and yet indeed, much remains largely the same.

'Work' you say? Not while my bed-ridden, half-mad husband or any of my relatives draw breath. I do perceive that my writing and breath both are somewhat rushed… but this is only due to the imminence of a needful rendezvous, not in reaction to the topic, as I am quite capable of discussing such delicate… or even

Great sainted ancestors, it is a vulgarity too far!

Oh for-