Elegant Victorian Lady

What of merely rich celebrities, such as the young woman in question?

Your logic seems tenuous to me, sir. Taken a logical step further, should we not therefore execute all motorists, while allowing murderers to walk free?

'Bran' is how Americans incorrectly pronounce (and sadly sometimes write) the word 'brand'.

I see that the ability not to work remains a union's greatest strength.

Often have I wished that my carriage had a safety strap or cord of some sort, for the speed at which we travel tends to make me very faint. How the trees and buildings race by!

How distasteful! Even women should not whine like women. Properly, they should hold their tongues, cataloguing every slight and perceived insult, harbouring all deep within their bosoms to create a warming core of resentment to clasp close on cold, lonely London nights.

When next any shall inquire as to the qualities of Mr. Moleman, (a somewhat surprisingly common circumstance,) my sole response shall certainly be, 'A true gentleman.'

Now now. Violence is rarely the answer to one`s problems, even should they be problems so tenacious and long-lived as the presence of Mr. Bay. At least his continuing efforts in theatre prevent his malign influence from spreading into politics or scholasticism.

Mr. B`s tiresome vision is ideal for Germanic fairy tales, as they are uniformly dreary, heavy-handed parables warning against even slight deviations from virtue. At last he has discovered the level at which his talents may be most efficiently employed.

Please do share what has amused you so, kind sir.

Indeed, even these advantages might not be necessary.

I expect that we will also see a corona of flame when the enormous tree falls over.

Dear Mr. Salsa,
I understood that the dispute between those two gentlemen was greatly exaggerated by individuals who knew neither well. As for my improved health, allow me to recommended to you the remarkable curative properties of a lithium elixir mixed somewhat liberally with a healthy portion of brandy. A mere six

Your interesting and well-considered choces are irrelevant, when the role will almost certainly be given to either Ms. Megan Fox, Ellen Page or Scarlett Johansson with their hair dyed red. Only a handful of actresses are considered for any major role, it seems.

The gentleman was, in fact, Danish.

And more young maidens in close embrace, their fingers absently tousling each-other's hair in the extremity of their distraction. Purely to demonstrate the depth of emotion such event engender, there are few sights so affecting in their innocence and honest feeling.

Mendelsson versus Wagner is my humble offering.

Heavens! How frightfully exciting! I am quite beside myself now in utter agitation, having been swept away on the wings of poesy, and can barely restrain myself from outcry! What next then, sir? Whatever next?

Though I confess to fondness for the young gentleman, I wonder that his range of emotion appears to veer no farther afield than between sullen and furious. Even a smile from him, rarely seen, is laden with tension and generally precedes an outburst of some sort. You are developing needless furrows in your brow,