
you nailed it - he had everything then descended into just shit movies like - forever…. what a waste talent - i mean there have been other performers who lost or gave away their talent but even Brian Wilson came back from the dead

Sure he is…..

I loved that show

Yeah I'm not sure what it is. I am very liberal, etc etc. But he and they just rub me the wrong way. And I agree - i hate when, if I don't like something I am told I don't get it….

I know I am going to get nailed for this but I do not like him (and his wife) as a team or when they are interview together. I find them vulgar or off putting somehow. And I did like him on Parks and Rec…

City Lights - that movies just kills me

Awesome greatest hits records:

I totally agree with this

I'm going to call it now - these sequels - The Chinese Democracy(s) of film

I watched Running Down A Dream - The Tom Petty Doc. I really liked it. I am always impressed by the drive of successful people - they know what they want and are fairly merciless in getting it. Totally respect that. Started Causal season 2. Not sure about it yet. And can't stop with Springsteen. I just love him more

oh and R.Crumb - not the borderline racism and sexism but the fact that he is totally honest in his work - as a writer it is very inspiring to me (also Richard Pryor). I admire artists that are brave enough to put it all out there because to me it is ALL beautiful… all is holy right?

Nausea by Sartre - I thought this is how I have felt for years! It was so refreshing to find it put into words…. needless to say I've read a ton of Sartre….a bug influence on me

Both Stephen and Bloom in Ulysses - because I was sometimes "impossible" like Stephen in my youth and now in middle age find I have a lot in common with Bloom


I think most of his last few films are way too long think of what Bergman did in Cries and Whispers in a much shorter running time


I agree its a little long but I think he pulls it off and I also think its about more than the cold war and poverty

Couldn't agree more. As I've gotten older I just like what I like. I love Big Star and the Mats but LOVE Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys (even Mike Love - his singing is great)

Frank Sinatra

I'm so sorry. A friend of mine killed himself. He also hid it well. His family keeps up his facebook page and it's really difficult when the memories thing comes up all the time.