I really love this show. Especially Herb. that's all
I really love this show. Especially Herb. that's all
Couldn't agree more - most geniuses are like Beethoven - slaving over their work and not like Mozart
Because all Bill Maher says is "I'm an atheist" and "I smoke weed"
The Doors (not exactly that they suck) but led me to Rimbaud and William Blake….
And Charles Schultz
i would buy Gwyneth for sure
Damn, well played
Agreed. i think it is a masterpiece - in fact maybe his last top to bottom masterpiece. There are a lot of lines in that record that really get to me. "You have to learn to live with what you can't rise above" is something at 44 I almost live by….
Agreed i LOVE Hemingway - Sun, Farewell and most of the short stories. A master
thank you - i HATE that movie. And btw Rodgers and Hammerstein blow - it's Rodgers and Hart who KICK all ass!!! Seriously….
agree But the globe scene in Dictator is pure Genius
Agree about Catcher in the Rye and Salinger in general. One book and such a huge legacy. fuck you
David Foster Wallace
I can recognize his talent but I just don't like his books. I don't think his books are any good. Hear me out. I don't think he is a writer so to speak. I think he was a very smart guy who just decided on writing but after IJ really had nothing left to say. I also felt like his books were really…
gotta love Papa
I've started the wake a few times and with some success. with outside sources it is accessible bit it takes so much time. that's the only issue i have
i agree his spiritual stuff is half baked but yes there is some magic in him. I actually love satori in Paris
I too read Kerouac at a young age. In my adult years I struggle with him - is his writing idealistic bullshit or is what he puts forth valid. I don't think it matters. The fact that I can still have the conversation with him twenty years later speaks to his power even if he isn't my favorite writer. (James Joyce….)
I couldn't agree more. Actually what I really didn't like about it was how political it was - like he was trying to make this "thoughtful" movie about how racist America is - and so he gives us a lot of imagery that is the reverse of what he usually see: a black man making white men go up against a wall, a white…
Not sure how I feel about the Diana character. Shows love to introduce a new character at the end. I don't hate it but I hope there's a payoff. I guess it plays into the - we all jeep repeating the same cycles thing…
Just a dumb article. Yes Michael is weird and so is the video. The song not so much.