
The novellas of John O'Hara - seriously these are amazing. Sad and resigned and just well written. There are times when I think he is better than Hemingway.

Gimmie Shelter clearly works for the entirety of the "sixties" - only half kidding

yep. classic. By far Cheers is my favorite show. ever

As a writer I am told to either publish with the big houses which is difficult as I writer literary fiction or self-publish which is hard because it takes skills I don;t have - marketing and literary agents are like anyone else they want authors who will sell.

exactly. i would love to write full time but that is not an option - for several reasons. the first is what you just said - i need rent, food and living money. but even beyond that (as I said I am a writer) getting into a big chain (what's left of them) is very hard (they are held up despite their shelves of books by

"But if you’re young, ambitious, and convinced you have something worth sharing with the world, you should jump into the deep end. Day jobs? Hell, there’s not even a guarantee you can get one of those nowadays. Young musicians, devote every waking moment to music.  Be reckless. Be desperate. Learn how to live cheap,

one of the best lines ever and one i have quoted for years

You don't remember how inventive he is at defeating the cyclops? (Just one exmaple)


The Odyssey - I forgot just how insightful this book is.

Obviously Mad Men and The Sopranos share some major DNA but I really hope Don Draper gets some sort of redemption unlike Tony Soprano. Seeing Don start to make changes last night was really powerful. I think Chase always believed that people, although they can change rarely do whereas Weiner believes that people

i agree - i didn't think this season was weak either

let's not forget the shield…. i mean come on

Tony Soprano really represented America as it is now - declining, apathetic, unable to change, remoresless, a shadow of what it was….

apathy and the fear to change

this fucking sucks

The end of the golden age of television just occurred

I know - I am in shock

James Gandofini just died!!!!!!

Am I the only one who finds Gaucho underrated?