
Also Jenny Slate impersonating South Americans going "We hiked all day and climbed the whole Andes and am not even tired and have all this energy! [giggle]" was hilarious

12 spies, you say? The Bible has a lot more action scenes than anyone remembers.

Are long intros to music videos ever good? I guess "Thriller" is but most of them make a point of being dour and unexciting. It's especially hilarious when someone like Taylor Swift does a long intro, just a somber, overwrought voiceover that clashes totally with the catchy pop song that follows. 

I dunno, I mean he wrote two novels and a couple of short stories about them, right? What makes you think there couldn't possibly be any more interesting stories to tell about them?

Y'know, whenever someone wants to make a movie of Catcher in the Rye, people act like it would be this big abomination because Salinger expressly didn't want a movie made of it. But when there's the possibility of reading material he didn't want published, it's all "Salinger who? GIMME THE GOODS"

I love King's Crossing. I listen to it when I feel bad for no good reason, which is… frequently?

Yeah, and Cold Sassy Tree.


Wolverine DankeShoen knows what's up.

@avclub-21a8615938a206d4311a58a53ad8890e:disqus For what it's worth, I'm sure she's not, like, begging to do almost-nude scenes.
Anyways, you gotta draw the line somewhere.

@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus I don't think he's saying they are without fault, but that their problems are more circumstance than who they are as people. Like, the movie makes it clear that Jesse fucked up his divorce from his first wife and that has put a lot of strain on his marriage with Celeste.

Aw, that's a little harsh. They're a couple of goofy kids in love! I actually really like their performances

@bradwestness:disqus Yeah, we agree that the eyeball thing was dumb. It looks weird and makes you realize how ridiculous it is that he's invulnerable.

"Shit like that should at least hurt him, even if it doesn't kill him instantly like it would a normal person."

I don't think Superman is jingoistic. When people say he embodies the American Dream, what they really mean is basically what Crowe says in the movie, that Superman will give humanity an ideal to strive towards.

That's true, but I also like how it shows them writing off Kim without really knowing anything about her.* It is a really interesting dynamic that is all too common in real life. The only other popular show to address this (that I've seen, at any rate) is the fourth season of The Wire.

You know David Bowie and Kanye aren't designing these themselves, right? Both examples stand out because they are different from what album art is supposed to be. Or do you think the white album is lazy album art too?

I used to hate the word "feminist" because I associated it with all the fake bullshit people say about feminists and I'd get alllll upset when feminists would point out all the misogyny in something I really liked, like comic books. Generally, they just seemed like insufferable tools who seemed like they were trying

Yeah, is he the first person to say that? Because that is the fucking truth.

I would agree that fights that center around kryptonite is boring and even that his fights in general are boring. I think the major failing of Superman TAS is that it focused on him wailing on some villain each week. That might work when it's Bizarro or Darkseid but it's seriously hard to maintain tension against the