
I just assumed that Ted doesn't really remember how many kids Don has or how old they are. Like he's pretty sure he has a teenage daughter but then he goes "Oh, shit, is that his son?"

But they're even more fun together! Although I was looking forward to what I thought would be Richard and Gillian taking revenge on Nucky and is crew, the extent of which wound up being Richard killing Manny (another favorite character of mine) and forgiving Nucky (the guy who actually killed Jimmy).

Second to last episode. Like I said above, it was pretty awesome but the finale failed to deliver on what it set up there.

Blah, am I the only person who hated the season three finale? I got SO PUMPED at the end of the penultimate episode when Al Capone was like "You and me sit down and we talk about who dies," and then in the next episode they mostly just sit around and complain.


@Scrawler2:disqus If you interpreted Dunham's statement, or think her statement could be interpreted, as "simulating sex on-screen is okay but having sex on-screen is bad", I could understand why it bothers you, but that's so far off from what she actually said that it's not even a point worth making.
I think her

@Scrawler2:disqus *Literally no one is saying you should scorn sex workers.*

@Scrawler2:disqus So you're saying the vitriol direct at Lena Dunham is because they're outraged on behalf of porn actresses?

@avclub-b20754d0f1e8ae843e00a8b39a667112:disqus Certainly there are women who do porn (or prostitution or stripping) because they enjoy it, or at least aren't bothered by it, and know they can make mad cash, but they are few and far between.

Why can't it be both?

Porn isn't the same as prostitution, but this whole conversation nonetheless reminds me of this exhange from The West Wing.

How? How could it be interpreted that way? She explicitly says that it bothers her because 1. it's a medium largely centered around subjugating women making fun of a show centered around feminism and 2. that the way she depicts sex in "Girls" is specifically to counteract the way it's depicted in porn and film.

Yes, that is what she is saying. Sex is misogynist.

Hey, he follows me on Twitter too. So does Nabin.

Damn, you could fix Detroit with under $70,000?

Is this a reference to a specific episode? Someone help me out.

Nah, it's all bout "Who Did That to You"

"But House Of Cardsisn’t that show, because it’s been systemically unsure about why its characters do anything that they do."

"Then we're at DEFCON 0!" "There is no DEFCON 0."

No, we judge now! WE JUDGE NOW FEED ME