
I basically agree with you, but I'd also say that Spacek nailed Carrie-as-loser and Moretz does not (at least in the trailer). Moretz is notable because she 's a young woman who can play tough really well, but awkward and quiet seem to elude her.

I just wanted to say that I quote this post all the time.

I just wanted to say that I quote this post all the time.

I'll just post what some guy wrote on the Life of Pi trailer.

Edit: I'm just gonna retype this because it sounded smug and stupid before.

Also the part where he has to decide which blood relative he wants to have sex with.

This is one of those things where he only made three decent movies, so the answer is to start with one of those, watch the other two, then quit while you're ahead.

"[She would be] a Manic Pixie Dream Girl, if the defining characteristic of Manic Pixie Dream Girls wasn’t the absence of an inner life."

I didn't enjoy the DKR movies at all. The acting is lousy and the direction is awful. Powerful moments from the book (Batman seeing Dent's true face, the mud-fight) are rushed and don't have a moment to land, while other scenes (mostly fight scenes) are overextended and drag on.

Not only is the DKR segment in this episode great, it is infinitely better than the DKR movies that were recently released.

I liked the plot point of… the fat guy… at White Harbor using Rickon to rally the North, but I wish he had just been keeping him at the castle instead of going "You'll have to spend half a book chasing him, Davos! Haha, fuck you! THIS IS GONNA TAKE FOREVER!"

Since it was a B&E into his car, they were probably just looking for some quick cash and didn't specifically intend to steal a television script. Probably don't even give a shit about it.

I dunno, a third rate version of "The Third Man" is, like, Michael Clayton, which is still pretty good.

Yeah, I thought I remembered as footage from Peanuts mashed up with audio from Louie, but it… wasn't.

I don't remember which writer pointed it out, but what's great about the "I Am The One Who Knocks" speech is that he obviously is delusional when he says it and then becomes that person through force of will by the end of the season.


For the record, I submitted "Dr. Worm" way back when as a song I'd like to see be covered.

Ocean's 11

Casino Royale isn't a remake at all; the first one was a parody and the other was a loose adaptation of the book.

Yeah, I like "Okay, Cupid" and "Orion's Belt" but this song sucked. Too many weird ambient noises, am I right?!