A Very Special Christmas Episo

Antialiasing, people! That text is so jagged it could cut someone!

The Chris/Andy plotline was sweet because it featured the world's coolest dog. But Chris himself was pretty conniving. He could have blown that whistle the whole time they were searching but he waited for Andy to admit his shortcomings before doing it. I think that was the first time we saw Chris be anything less than

I noticed that too. I think because the characters have never actually acknowledged that they were part of a documentary it gives the showrunners a lot more freedom to film scenes as they see fit. It's amazing that it works so well because if you think about it too much it seems really odd. The characters talk to the

"Hilarious quote from this week's show!"

The "making-of" features on the blu-ray have some pretty funny moments. It really does look like community theater with A list actors.


Third: The Good Girl. She is a good actress when she wants to be.

I totally want to have framed pictures around my house like that, not due to fighting with my husband but just because.

I love the Decemberists so much I wouldn't mind more accordion interludes exclusively featuring their songs, Life Aquatic style.

I feel like when Travis gave him the "I heart you" signal he was really just channeling what the audience was thinking.

'Tis better to have loved and lost, and bitch about its cancellation while quoting its best lines for all eternity on the AV Club boards, than to never have loved at all.

Also, you should just go ahead and start watching the current eps while catching up, the show isn't particularly plot or callback heavy. (and it is in need of eyeballs right now)

Ugh I have to agree with you there, usually I only have to try ignoring Christa Miller's lack of facial movement but I was wondering if she started inviting Courtney Cox to her bi-weekly botox parties.

Maybe the excuse is that it's a network show, but this episode had three major cop-outs at the end.

So Bruce Vilanch played the part of Marjory the Trash Heap, right?

Oh yeah I definitely get nostalgic over really shitty dance/electropop songs because of DDR.

Cool story alert! In high school we got tickets to Weezer's green album/comeback tour, but unfortunately for us Dashboard Confessional was the opener. So we went wearing tshirts emblazoned with "Dashboard Confessional Sucks" (not exactly subtle but we were 15). The band's hardcore fans gave us dirty looks and… did

Ugh when I was at college some douchebags declared March 11th "311 Day" and put up a big banner on the window in their dorm room along with a stereo pointed outwards blasting their music on a loop all fucking day. Yes, everyone thinks you are so cool for liking that band bro. I feel like I'd be able to dismiss them as

I stand corrected. But I'm also pretty sure they could have replaced him with any other celebrity hanging around that day and the movie would have been no better or worse for it.

I even checked imdb out of goodwill, but Being John Malkovich? No. Maybe you confused him with Cusack?