
maybe i should rephrase it as: "i really want to get into french-canadian females."  by "into," i mean "INTO"

i really want to get into french-canadian female pop tunes.  should i start with Celine Dion?  how wrong would it be to play Kenny G's Songbird on a continuous loop?

required: sometimes you are funny. take a break and maybe say some real things for a change. use the gimmick more sparingly. it was funnier as Humperdick.

'noise' would probably have a better name if it weren't the case that there are a million ungood noise albums and a lot fewer that are actually good.

if we can convince people to stop buying tickets to remakes, then maybe they will stop being made

the thing i like least about the cable guy is that he seems to be a living excuse for people to act like retarded rednecks. after having read multiple chapters of his book, i can safely say that while his jokes are juvenile and based on how funny it is to say 'poop,' the most heinous crime of which he is guilty is

is it better to not own a tv and instead spend your time writing on message boards, or to own a tv and spend your time writing on message boards?

my grandma has 210 bones in her. 4 of them are black and huge.

it's in your face but you can't grab it

"pick up the phone booth"


the whoopi goldberg sex tape was filmed in vancouver.