Al Gee

This reminds me of a great scene in Asphalt Jungle where Sterling Hayden lights a match for Jean Hagen with his thumb.

I love Houses of the Holy. A number of years ago, I put that album on after not having heard it for many years. It blew my mind. I could hardly speak after I heard it again.

Of his later novels, I really enjoyed O Pioneer! Gateway is desert island stuff for me.

I recently saw McCrea in Jacques Tourneur's Wichita. McCrea as Wyatt Earp defends Wichita against a bunch of rowdy cowboys. There's a good shoot-out scene between McCrea and Lloyd Bridges.

I recently saw him in 'Brubaker.' Not a huge part, but he was great.

His voice reminds me a bit of late '60s era Neil Young.

Radiohead sampled Psycho to excellent effect in "Paperbag Writer."

She is excellent in The Children's Hour. I read that she was a handful on set, often late and very demanding. Edward G. Robinson is supposed to have told her off in front of the crew.

Let's not forget Savalas in Kelly's Heroes.

Another highly entertaining Cushing/Lee matchup is The Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires, which was a vampire/martial arts hybrid film.

Another excellent Christopher Doyle shot movie is Paranoid Park. Beautiful filming. I recently caught Chunking Express at a rep cinema and was struck by how much Doyle loves to shoot through fish tanks, rain-drenched mirrors, etc..

Shatterday is a collection that I loved as a teenager. I was introduced to Ellison through the Hugo Winner collections (loved those Asimov introductions) - Adrift Just Off the Islets of Langerhans: Latitude 38 54' N, Longitude 77 00' 13" W", is a story I well remember.
Gonna have to reaquaint myself with Ellison.

I have a CD of Shostakovitch 5/Rite of Spring that is 80:30.

He's focusing on the family.

I recently found a bunch of Jack Kirby drawn and scripted Black Panthers at a second hand shop. By this stage of his career, in the mid-1970s, Kirby's ultra-stylized art had become almost avant garde in a weirdly conservative way…

This is an excellent album. I really recommend it. This band has some great live stuff on YouTube. I think they would be a blast to see live.

I've partied with Charlie. He's fun to be around.

Has anyone read the Robert Jordan Conan books?

I love Buscema's Conan. Buscema is one of my favourite comic artists; particularly when he inks himself. I have a stack of Savage Swords lying around; the one's that he himself inks are so stylish and polished looking. Slick, in the best, professional sense. I love his cinematic sense of storytelling. He always seems

Day of Wrath
Spoiler alert … In Day of Wrath, I was very struck by the situation of Anne, who is in a sexless and largely loveless marriage to a pastor who is decades older. What an incredible situation to have the pastor's son arrive and for Anne and the son to fall in love! The scenes where the two young people