
So, shit: Floaty Wine Glass

And the knowledge responses could come from other conversations, like negotiating with your arms dealer… I could dig it.

Sometimes I just feel like ATLUS WHY U NO INTO FUJOSHI????

Eh. The trailer shows you getting beaned with Chalk by a dickish teacher. They'll probably be there with a harsher tone. I'm thinking a less cartoonish king moron.

Kanji/Anybody or bust.

You see me now a veteran of a thousand waifu wars… o/`

Some fans have suggested that it's going to be importing the ideas of law and chaos from SMT… previous Persona protagonists would be on the side of law, capturing and fighting criminals, upholding things, etc, but the new ones would be on the side of chaos, which might set them against Igor, who seems set up as some

Well, the menus have replaced the Japanese version of S. Link (Commu) with "Cooperation", which to me suggests that the system for links might work differently in order to better suit the protagonists' seemingly unsavoury lifestyle.

Honestly I really hope they don't.

That's true to an extent, particularly with P4, but even so… I mean Yosuke's weird pervy shit is only gonna make sense if you know about Anime because that's where his expectations come from, even if they are constantly subverted and the joke's mostly on him.

The gun/melee is a throwback to the SMT games where that was a standard way of dealing with rows/formations. IMO between that and the fact that you're now seemingly fighting personas/demons instead of shadows, this one could be a throwback to the earlier titles in a lot of ways.

Eh. It's not actually properly out in english yet so no worries. Just what look like some kludgey machine translations.

Yeah, it's apparently definitely Morgana so it's an aesome lady cat burglar kitty.

You should probably start with Persona 4 or Persona 4: Golden. It's the easiest to get into by a long shot, even if it does work better if played right after Persona 3: FES or the PSP reissue of Persona 3. The links between games are tenuous at best outside of the fighting games, which are basically continuity porn.

Nah, it's a regular cat that turns into an cartoon mascot cat. It just looks like a dog because of the art style.

See, I dunno. P3 always felt undercut to me by the fact that it always seemed really fixated on being cool and having high stakes. P4 doesn't really have high stakes until the end, and that really helps bring the focus down onto the level of the psychological.

The sense I get by watching it, and by noting the fact that the party is basically his gang, is that it's Lupin III plus Kaneda with the looks of Harry Potter.

P4 is way, way better than P3 IMO for exactly that reason: it actually marries characterization, plot, and mechanics in a way that gels, whereas P3 just felt like that thing where anime uses christian imagery to be edgy.

Isn't Marry Me doomed?

The standard, unfairly reductive explanation, is that wRPGs build on trying to deliver the same openness and player-agency as in the tabletop games it's imitating, whereas jRPGs are about iterating on and improving the early wRPGs, which made a huge splash in Japan in the eighties.