
He made the same point as April. (remember April? It's okay nobody does either)

Actually, as a… hum… skilled and keen observer of Shirtless Oliver Queen, yes, yes we have seen that bite scars before. On him. See: last year, when he fought Ra's shirtless.

Yeah, you gotta love that the only other Black character (who is mute) was basically taken out of the show rather than give him something remotely interesting to do (like, get his voice back, and suddenly make everyone shut the hell up and become a massive badass and an important character).

Ha, see I had completely forgotten about that nonsense storyline that introduced Enzo and known as the Augustine project. I tend to repress all terrible retcons and it turns out this one was successful.

That was painfully boring. I feel so bad for all the actors, I feel like I don't recognize any of the characters anymore. I could care less about the heretics who didn't end up being the villains after all, much less of a threat. I do not care about Caroline and Stefan, I loathe Enzo.

Hey, remember when Stefan died over and over again for an entire summer while Damon and Elena were banging all over the place?
That dagger thingy should be a walk in the park!

I think that's what Paul Wesley keeps asking himself every time he has to play Stefan. "Why are people watching that show?"

Still sounds better than season 3 tbh

I was really confused about it. What even is the point of Oliver being bitten by a shark? It just took a bite and then figured "ew, gross, it tastes so entitled and broody!" and then let Oliver swim back to the shore?

Sadly… this applies to Laurel too :/

Only in these terms then… but yeah, I too mourn the season 1 episodes of gratuitous shirtlessness (but I cherish scenes like Oliver laying in bed from 406 even more now).

Oh you don't have to convince me! I'm already sold on that. I kept hoping that this baby storyline would be dropped, kinda like that Not!Shado twin thingy and the "Oliver doesn't have money" trope, and the fact that Oliver got married to Nyssa. But apparently, that only applies to events that occurred in season 3.

…Sara Lance said it best in episode 205: "You're cute."

Interacting with bugs while very tiny and writing his memoirs?

Heh, I wouldn't mind if she died. It would facilitate the integration of William in the show because the whole co-parenting thing sounds really boring on a story-telling point of view. Samantha whining that Oliver doesn't put his son first because he always has to bail and come up with lame excuses? Urgh no thanks.

Maybe 50%.
(full disclosure: I am not a mathematician)

Funny, for me it's 99% when he's not working any shirt at all.

Apparently, Oliver didn't think to ask Ray for help either…

Oliver said all the Ghosts he beat up committed suicide + all the people in the cages waiting to be murdered in gas chambers. Where does H.I.V.E find all these people?

Didn't they say at Heroes and Villains that Barrowman touches Cassidy's boobs occasionally and that she lets him?