
See, when YOU say it, it makes sense. But then the show goes all mumbo-jumbo and I get lost. Kinda like with the Hive agent who obviously didn't kill Diggle when he could have, and then it was never brought up again, not even mentioned in passing by Diggle… WTF show?

I just realized. The former lair was a secret place in Palmer Tech. But… none of the 2nd Team Arrow members had any kind of reason to hang out there. How did they justify their presence? Or their setup? I was sure that lair was the 2nd one Ollie hid in season 2.

Nyssa's snarky "Sister in law" nod/smirk to Thea was everything.

Anyone rather than Darhk as Felicity's father. Anyone. Even Ivo. Or Fryers. Or the black evil island dude from this season.

You know there's absolutely no way he didn't sleep with that chick, right? I'm 99% sure she's the 4th grave on Lian Yu.

Okay, thanks, that's exactly what I'm wondering about. Isn't Sara going to feed her bloodlust by killing either Thea or Malcolm? I get why Thea would do it (out of guilt/self-loathing, she's Oliver's sister after all) and Malcolm would let her do that? (or put himself at risk?)

"If you're so unhappy, go join the League of Assassin! They get killed by teenagers and Laurel Lance"

Is it sad or normal not to remember that Ray Palmer used to be in the show and was an actual character to the point where even if everyone knows he's not dead and he's regularly shown on that stupid city sign, no one from the audience seems to remember him?

I was satisfied with what the show gave us. Damn you for making me realize we could have gotten something even better :(

Every choice is easy to make in hindsight. I think it came from a good place from the Scooby gang because there were a lot of risks for Buffy to have ended up in hell or something. Which the Buffy universe tackled. Arrow doesn't do that. And in Arrow, people who come from the pit come back changed, and allegedly worse

I think Buffy taught the universe that sometimes, being dead is very FINE with the dead person. And that it's very selfish to bring said persons back to life. A year after. With an idea of how terrible the consequences of that choice might be.

Yes. That. Exactly that. Why do villains still lurk in the dark in 2015? They must exhaust their eyes, squinting them all night long trying to figure out the little fonts… "Why is it always typed in Comics Sans MS?!"

Hold on, did Oliver Queen actually make a joke?

Once more: she jumped in the air, and thank god Oliver was there to send an arrow with a cable connected to it… otherwise… splash.

Every time he is in his Villain's Office of Villainy and we get Lance walking down that ridiculous hall with weird lightening I roll my eyes. It says a lot about the actor that I take his character semi-seriously…

I'm with you. Also, again, it shows that they don't know how to write Laurel. She was okay-written until now (which is better than the last 3 seasons but not enough): she sees Thea spiral down and basically turn crazy, and once she figures out why, her first thought is "why don't I do the same to my sis? That sure

Yeah. The police officer was a stand-in for all the kids watching the show who weren't brought up listening to Nirvana and Slipknot… *sigh*

I mean, everyone keeps referencing to Moira… Literally 85% of Jessica Danforth's speech was about Moira's legacy. Apparently, that legacy does not involve being an accomplice to leveling an entire part of the town you then wish to lead.

We haven't read the same spoilers: Mericles said they knew who was in the grave since the beginning of season 4. Well. I guess we'll see. But I'd say that both Felicity and Diggle are very safe. I'd say even Thea — they killed her last year already.

That's what makes most sense. Felicity and Oliver together bring too much money they wouldn't kill Felicity. It's the year of Diggle with a ton of stuff for him to explore, they won't kill him. Thea too. Laurel is the one who's most expandable, considering her sister's gonna be raised from the dead.