
Nah. It's totally Laurel.

In next year's series finale: Bonnie dies, sacrificing herself for Damon's life, triggering Elena's awakening. Damon drinks Elena's blood and they all live happily ever after with a bunch of babies who, as teenagers, mock their 150 year-old dad for giving up being a beautiful stud for eternity. When everyone dies,

Nope. Save yourself, don't watch. 44 hours of your life you will never get back.

That, and literally the entire family's dead in one single season. If that's not tragic I don't know what is. Poor Liv. Poor Jo.

Wholeheartedly agree. I realized, watching episode 221 that I literally didn't care about any of the characters (not a single one) and that I couldn't remember who felt what towards whom.

Aw come on, the chick died 489023 times already. Her odds of living up to 60 more years are terrible. Damon must know this obviously and that's why he hasn't killed her.

My remark was kind of sarcastic considering a bunch of very (very) vague but expected spoilers about season 4 and how Thea's bath would have impacts on her. It doesn't really show right now.

Isn't the jet auto-piloted or computer-piloted? That's what I understood from Felicity hacking it…

The only way they can salvage this in my eyes is to have Nyssa seriously kick her father's ass (and then force him to see her be happy ever after with Sara Laurel until the Lazarus Pit water no longer has effect?).

I'm kind of hoping she knew in her heart that Nyssa was going to be forced to marry Oliver and she wanted to save her from that terrible fate. That's why she became better. Love. (lust works too)

That confused me, tbh. I wondered if it was the plan or not. They never should have let us know that Oliver wasn't brainwashed in this episode. It made all the characters questioning him super annoying.

She had a ton of good lines this episode. My favorite was her disappointed "harrumph" (or was it an "of course"?) when LameAssassin#2398764 fell because of Malcolm's arrow. It felt like season 1 Felicity all over again.

I kind of expected Oliver AND Nyssa to suddenly jump the League and then boom "Arrow", see you next week, and then we dive back into the fight for the next episode and Nyssa + Oliver try to defeat Ra's as they scream their names at him.

It seems to have delayed effects though, 'cause Thea seems fine. (granted probably not to Moira Queen's standards, what with going to find "Jason" and offering to live her life alongside him and his career of fixing cars)

And they weren't the show's most awaited pairing or the main characters. Rory ended up single (which I loved) but what about Luke and Lorelai's relationship that ended up not working for lame reasons?

Oh I agree (also, I would like to see a stable relationship for a superhero). I'm just saying that from a romantic point of view, considering how so many people already hate the romantic aspects of the show, an actual stable and "normal" romance between Oliver and Felicity would end the drama and the tension and mean

Oliver has so much work to do with his assassins… the one Felicity took down made me laugh out loud so hard, why does s/he even try? That was hilarious.

So what? They're all grown ups, and they all do what they want. Felicity didn't love Ray and was under the impression that she'd never see Oliver again for the 8394th time. I'm all for people taking charge and not crying a river over something that didn't work out. I understand you not liking Felicity, or Emily's way

Oh thank god for that. I was wondering the same thing when he said Oliver was his new "Heir to the Demon". First: what about Nyssa? Why isn't she here, scowling and being a badass? Second: why doesn't he become the Demon already? It felt so anticlimactic.

Fixing tea in a cabin, duh. Obviously.