
"Jamie, my name is Jamie."

"Jamie, my name is Jamie."

The thing is, clearly Park does believe what they're saying to some degree. That sense of "attractive Chase won't go for Park" does seep into her consciousness and inform her character. So for me it's not so much about "why is Park always reduced to relationship talk", but rather about how it cuts right to how she

Does anyone else think the Chase/Adams thing (and the Park/Patrick Stump thing) is an intentional misdirect/build-up, and that we're going to end up with Chase/Park for the endgame?

I think True Blood got there first, but it's still a treat. Especially because of Glaber's cock.

I agree that Liam isn't quite measuring up to Andy for me. Initially I thought it was just because I was still trying to get over the recasting, but I think you hit it on the head regarding the intensity and the inner primal rage. Oh well, maybe he'll grow into it.

Just goes to show his success was a fluke and he never should have deserved the plaudits in the first place.

I'm so confused by the scheduling. So the "mid season finale" was 2x10(?) but 2x16 is the season finale? When is it coming back? o_O

"Fazed", dude. Not "phased". Is no one proofreading this thing?

ME: Hey, that's the woman who played Trinity's reporter daughter in Dexter.
HUSBAND: THAT's where I know those tits from.

Generally I like brevity, although I wish this week's review touched a bit more on Simon's character, given it's basically his episode.

The most hilarious about the "hermano" gag has to be the callback in s2(?) when some Mexicans mistake Oscar for George Snr and chases Oscar down the street with Oscar wailing "no, it wasn't me, it was my brother! Brothero!? Brothero!?"