
Not The Only One
Yes, I came to read this searching for any mention of the bald guy. We were wondering who he was through most of the show. I thought he was some sorta prop the way he just sat stoicly with his hands on his knees. That, or NASA really missed their chance to test out their life outside of Earth theory…

I knew he had heart problems but when I heard it was just such a shock. One of the best characters on Angel. Gonna go watch a few Lorne centered episodes..

Yeah, thanks, but I'll most likely catch it when it pops up on IMDb's homepage.

Curse the Weather
Erg, figures I miss an "A" episode. The news weather updates took over the hour. It's Oklahoma, tornado alley, what can I do? I caught the last 10 minutes of Chuck so basically missed the entire episode setup. Thank goodness for The AV Club and those who watch all these shows!

The toothpick
You noticed that too? At first I was like, what's that on Nathan's lip, then when he turned I was kinda taken aback. I don't know, yeah, why would he have a toothpick?

I was happy Jorge got through.

Soup, soup, a tasty soup..
I love the Mighty Boosh. The one with the hitchhiker is hilarious. And The Legend Of Old Gregg. I am only able to watch the episodes uploaded on Youtube, though. *sad*
Spaced is awesome too, really quirky characters.

Ugh, sorry. Knew it wouldn't work, it is linkable but not to the pic. I think the url thng messed it up, but the link file is right is you use that alone. Sorry. Again.

I think they should get a hat, draw a name, that person comes up, if they get through, they get handed their name, if not, Ryan just tears it in half and nothing will be said through out except which name was drawn.

Yeah, the results weren't that surprising except for maybe Michael beating out Anoop(whom I voted for), but there's always wild card.. I kinda agree though that Michael does have the whole "roughneck" thing going for him.
I'm glad I'm not the only one to notice Ryan's tackiness this week. Making them answer